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单词 balustrade 例句大全,用单词balustrade造句:

She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs.
On the Modernization of Balustrade Culture of the Zhuang Nationality
At the post of the balustrade stood a tallowcandle guttering in the draught.
Even the 54 poles balustrade around the base of the flag have a special meaning.
Even the 56 poles balustrade around the base of the flag have a special meaning.
Add railing at the edge. not only is it used as balustrade but also as towl rail.
baluster One of the upright, usually rounded or vaseshaped supports of a balustrade.
There was a window at the other end of the seat, facing a seethrough, carved balustrade.
雅座的另一端靠窗, 窗前有透空的雕花栏干。
A narrow balcony, usually having a railing or balustrade, along the outside of a building.
阳台, 眺望台窄的阳台, 通常在建筑物的外侧有栏杆或扶手
Normal accessory alnico tending balustrade, shoes frame, face of table, transfusion pole. Quantity each one.
A platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet.
阳台从楼房的墙上伸出被栏杆, 扶手或护墙围绕的平台。
Seats are arranged around a wooden balustrade circling a central patio. To the left is a screen for film projections.
Stone material includes stone bridge, stone column, stone base, stone lantern, stone stele, stone balustrade, stone statue, etc.
窗, 木雕屏风, 木花架等。
How evening after evening found me leaning against the balustrade of the bridge, losing myself in reverie as I gazed toward the western sky.
一晚又一晚的, 只见我出神似的倚在桥阑上向西天凝望
The main products are heated towel rail, bathroom accessories, balustrade systems, furniture frames, marine parts, louver systems, galvanized trailers, and other tailor made products.
我们始终站在客户身边, 选择最优秀的产品给世界的用户。
Carve Good luck and happiness to you patterns of symbol such as having ten thousand character towers , being delighted for the son lattice , sub character lattices , four checks on the balustrade.
印江现保存完好, 具代表性的有朗溪, 合水一带的土家吊脚楼。

单词 balustrade 释义



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