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单词 bachelor 例句大全,用单词bachelor造句:

Trent University, Double Bachelor of Arts with Honours in History and Politics
特伦特大学历史, 政治荣誉双学士学位
Bachelor or above, management, mechanical, electriccal, automation background.
Graduated from Medical University, bachelor degree majored in audiology or ENT.
The aunt gave a little smile, and waited with interest for the bachelor's answer.
If you want to apply for that position a Bachelor of Engineering degree is required.
Bachelor degree or above, majoring in electronical engineering, acoustics or physics.
Bachelor degree majored in mechanical, ability to read fabrication assembly drawings.
本科学历, 机械类专业毕业, 能看懂机械图纸。
Bachelor degree or above, mechanical, industrial automation and instrumentation, etc.
本科以上, 机械类, 工业自动化, 仪器仪表等相关专业。
At least Bachelor Degree in automotive manufacturing or mechanical engineering areas.
Yet many parts of Girards life seem to reflect that of any affluent 70yearold bachelor.
Ng Chung graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and got a Bachelor of Art Degree.
Michael graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration.
苏鸣珂毕业于佐治亚州立大学, 获得商业管理学士学位。
I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and English from the University of Washington.
His academic background is a Bachelor's Degree in Law and a Bachelor's Degree in Asian Studies.
Berklee College of Music, Bachelor of Commercial Arranging, Summa Cum Laude, Quincy Jones Award.
At least bachelor degree,major in Architecture,or Interior Design with 2 years working experience.
Give prominence to the characteristics of Tropical Crops and adjuster agricultural bachelor specialty
突出热作特色, 调整农学本科专业
He graduated from Tongji University and attained both of his bachelor and master degree in Mathematics.
唐圣波毕业于同济大学, 获得数学本科和硕士学位。
Bachelor Arts, major in english, work in an education company, dealing with overseas students'application.
英语本科毕业, 专业八级, 现从事留学工作, 负责学生申请。
Bachelor degree in Information Technology, Accountancy, Business Administration or other related discipline.
资讯科技, 会计, 工商管理或其他相关专业学士学位。
Bachelor degree majoring in Finance or Accounting,min 3 years experience accountingmanufacturing environment of MNC.
Several Recommendations on How to Improve the Political Attainments for the Bachelor Party Members and the Applicants
The Rises of Bachelor Stratum and Appearance of Private School in Henan during Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States.
Received Master of Business Administration from Stanford University and Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Tokyo.
A bachelor of arts discusses books, a port butcher talks of pigs. People of different trades or social positions have their different qualities and interests.
文人论书, 屠夫道猪。道不同不相为谋。

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