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单词 baggage 例句大全,用单词baggage造句:

If you want to check additional baggage, you'll have to pay an excess baggage fee.
Infant tickets need to pay the airport fee and fuel costs, but not checked baggage.
婴儿票不需缴纳机场建设费和燃油费, 但不得托运行李。
Unattended baggage may be removed by Airport Security Staff as object of suspicion.
Your baggage is 10 kilos overweight, I m afraid you have to pay for excess baggage.
If the checked baggage is over the allowance, we will charge you for the overweight.
如果您托运的行李超过限额, 您得付超重行李费。
Baggage in excess of the above allowances will be subject to Excess Baggage Char ges
Baggage peaceful back is not carried, case arm muscle is beyond the mark and fatigue.
Ticket should be issued with checked baggage allowance as piece for the entire journey.
在整个航程中, 托运行李应按照计件行李出票。
The airport in Kunming made a mistake. They left out your suitcase while loading the baggage.
昆明机场出了差错, 他们在装行李时把您的手提箱给漏掉了。
Your baggage is oversized. Please go over there to the Oversized Baggage Counter to check it.
Baggage that does not qualify as free allowance will be charged for at published tariff rates.
Passengers are strongly advised not to check in goods which are valuable and fragile as baggage.
Excess baggage charges will be collected if the items exceed your free checked baggage allowance.
如您的寄舱行李超过免费寄舱限额, 您须缴付超额行李费。
Is your baggage down yet, sir? Could you check out after your baggage have been brought down, please?
Automatic baggage sortation systems allow economical, reliable handling of high volumes of varying baggage.
The travel agency can provide you a vacation insurance plan that covers accident, baggage and cancellation claims.
Hungchien woke the errand boy to come carry the baggage, and with a heavy heart, accompanied Hsinmei to the hotel.
鸿渐唤醒校工来挑行李, 送辛楣到了旅馆, 依依不舍。
Taking advantage of the passenger ticket to check or bring along the baggage not belonging to the passenger himself.
The carrier, in performing the formalities for transportation, must check up passengers and baggage in the aircraft.
If you don't want to carry heavy baggage around with you, you can leave it in the Left Baggage Office and pick it up later.
如不愿随身携带笨重物品, 可存放在行李寄存处, 过后再取。
Senate leaders accumulate considerable ideological baggage, which makes it difficult for them to portray themselves as centrists.
A cloned child would be born with a baggage of unrealistic expectations and hopes for his or her development and future achievements.
The baggage check shall constitute prima facie evidence of the checking of the baggage and of the conditions of the contract of transport.
Just met the most amazing and beautiful woman today, but she seems to have a lot of baggage. A recent divorcee with 2 kids and a psycho ex-husband.
If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the sacrifice of its Baggage and stores.

单词 baggage 释义

  • 单词释义:行李;(思想)包袱;偏见  [更多..]



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