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单词 bag 例句大全,用单词bag造句:

Adapted to the various soft plastic bags and I have held a bag of food.
The trick is to the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.
关键就在于, 在运气袋变空之前, 请把经验袋装得满满地!
It easily it can be accommodated in the bag or even on the neck of user.
Designed to prevent loss of bag and any blockage resulting from bag loss.
When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag.
A bag filter for dust abatement at the discharge point should be provided.
The first Bush administration was a mixed bag in terms of economic policy.
To abuse plastic bag, please pay money each 2 dollar. Yup, spank them well!
若欲虐待胶带, 请缴费个2元
Attach a medium nozzle to a piping bag, and scoop the mixture into the bag.
Take 4 times energy to manufacture a paper bag as it does to a plastic bag.
The great gray kangaroo actually has admitted the young boy in the baby bag.
In the night, I got into my sleeping bag. Let the sun heat the sleeping bag.
Put Gnome in bag, beat bag with staff and meet me after gnome is tenderized.
The bag sits inside another plastic bag similar to those used to hold grain.
The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.
关键就在于, 在运气袋变空之前, 请把经验袋装得满满的!
We may use the paper bag or the cloth sack, but does not use the plastic bag.
the upper end of the sleeping bag is provided with a bag mouth pulling strap.
在睡袋的上端, 设置有袋口拉带
A small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight.
Use them as cell phone charms, key rings, or to accessorize your bag or pouch!
何不用作手机链 钥匙扣,坤包及钱包饰件呢!
The Cloth Bag Monk smiled, set his bag down, and stood there with hands onhips.
The accessory criminal could not but empty the bag in face of conclusive evidence.
Some corresponding measures should be adopted on special loom for weaving air bag.
同时, 气囊专用织机亦应采取相应的技术措施。
According to USGA rules, you can carry fourteen golf clubs in your bag at one time.
The eye bag is an eye part, also the perforated bag person good luck is prosperous!
When the bag is opened, the card can be examined for proper dryness inside the bag.

单词 bag 释义

  • 单词释义:包,袋;眼袋;泼妇  [更多..]



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