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单词 basket 例句大全,用单词basket造句:

A hoopman shooted at the basket, but missed the basket five times.
某篮球运动员投篮, 连投五次都没投进。
Set a steamer basket in the skillet, and arrange fillets in basket.
An introduction to the tools and processes of basket weaving approx.
He dodged again and again, finally dropping the ball into the basket.
The Queen disguises herself as an old woman with a basket in her arm.
皇后装扮成一个老妇, 挎篮子上。
It was autumn.There was remnant scent of red lotus in the jade basket.
Fabrication and erection techniques for basket arches of Nilsson system
I bought a basket of cherries for you but I ate half while coming here.
Set up an appropriative cleaning basket, to improve the cleaning effect.
设有专用清洗篮, 提高清洗效果。
The girl and Ah Duo were standing beside a large basket, stripping leaves.
Peng made basket then pick up the foreign aid de foul, a double in the De.
随后周鹏篮下造了随手外援德蒙的犯规, 德蒙此次两罚一中。
Marriage is a radish, a pit, the work is a pit of a basket of radishes.
Mrs. Youfu puts down the basket, dusts her clothes and pretends to be angry.
Paul backed Robinson to the basket, turned to shoot and Robinson fouled him.
保罗背扛着罗宾逊到篮下, 转身投篮, 罗宾逊对他犯规。
A baby in a makeshift bike basket stares into the camera in Angkor, Cambodia.
A wicker basket filled with lilies, roses, red anthurium, statice and murraya.
花篮包括百合, 红掌, 玖瑰, 毋忘我及沙巴叶花等。
It was a basket with fresh eggs, a newly-baked loaf of bread, a pat of butter.
Another book of professional slobber! it should be thrown to the Balaam basket.
You could use a colander for a cooking gift basket, or an Italian theme basket.
你可以用一个漏勺礼品篮菜, 或一篮子意大利主题。
McCamey is quite adept at penetration and getting the foul calls near the basket.
Then it to tourist growl all one can to break through the iron baluster of basket.
Did you bring a basket of baked goods when you knew we couldn't even pay our bills?
当你知道我们付不起账单时 是否送过一篮点心?
This means that as long as the ball touched the basket, players can touch the ball.
这就是说只要球碰了篮筐, 球员们就可以触球。
He was only able to dig one basket of Asiatic Plantains during the entire afternoon.
The Application of Basket Type Vierendeel Truss in the Steel Bridge Approach of Dock

单词 basket 释义

  • 单词释义:篮,筐;一筐的量;投篮得分  [更多..]



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