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单词 bash 例句大全,用单词bash造句:

When I found out he saw Annie Six times, even I wanted to gay bash him.
当我发现他看了六场安妮 我都想痛扁他一顿。
At a bash at my friends house, I spilled punch all over my white jeans.
在我朋友家的舞会上, 我把饮料洒在白牛仔裤上。
I've never tried water-skiing before, but I'd love to have a bash at it.
If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well.
The thing Am I is in a bit of an accident last week got bash by anther car.
This team is unstoppable – they won the championship with one bash at it.
Can Mr Obama continue to bash the insurers one day and rely on them the next
Beer Bash relies on speed and agility to win his battles at robot competitions.
啤酒巴什依靠赢得比赛, 他的战斗机器人的速度和敏捷性。
One more word is that setenv is for csh, in bash, use export FCifort, F90ifort.
还看到王石的采访, 再看到潘石屹的博文!
The next morning, Samantha prepared her borrowed beach house for the big bash.
Last night we gave it a few too many turns and it tried to bash the roof out also.
Each recommendation is detailed below along with a Bash shell script for illustration.
My husband and I read the reviews on tripadvisor and decided to give this hotel a bash.
The more underhanded gambit is the decision to bash the insurance industry at every turn.
The more underhanded gambit is the decision to bash the insurance industry at every turn.
I am doubtful whether I could ever learn English, but I'm determined to have a bash at it.
不晓得我能不能学会英语, 但是我决心试试看。
The French too seem to be reluctant to bash down the kitchen wall and let their guests in.
But at this weeks biennial Farnborough airshow, the aviation industrys biggest bash this year, that was not how it looked.
然而, 这周的范堡罗双年展看上去可不是那样。

单词 bash 释义

  • 单词释义:痛击,猛击;严厉批评;怒殴  [更多..]



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