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单词 declare 例句大全,用单词declare造句:

This concludes our business for today, and I declare this plenary meeting adjourned.
这便结束了我们今天的工作, 我宣布本次全会休会。
To declare a general amnesty and to release the prisoners and detainees of both sides.
宣布实行大赦, 释放双方监禁和拘留的人员。
The juvenile court, not the family court, will first have to declare the child abandoned.
I hereby declare that I have read and agree to abide by the enrolment procedure overleaf.
Emma's confusion, and the acknowledged intimacy, seemed to declare her affection engaged.
爱玛的不知所措, 以及她所招认的亲密, 似乎宣布她已定情。
We declare him anathematized and excommunicated and we judge him condemned to eternal fire.
我们宣告他被诅咒及驱逐出教, 并断定他不得永生。
With an insufficent turnover fund, the real-estate company was forced to declare bankruptcy.
I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate.
She seems to revel in arguments and loses no opportunity to declare her political principles.
She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.
Having custom declare certificate, forklift license or driving license will be much appreciated.
However, I would like to declare that I do not approve the stance of nuclear power is consistent.
但是, 我要申明, 我不赞成核能的立场还是一贯的。
I, hereby declare that the information provided on this declaration is true knowledge and belief.
本人, 仅此声明以下所提供之资料均为真实及准确。
own known admit declare assert proclaim acknowledge confess make announce profess protest avow to.
I declare that all information provided above is correct and accurate, and the photo attachedmyself.
本人声明, 以上信息全部准确, 填写无误, 确属本人照片。
I hereby declare that above statement is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I declare that all submitted information is correct and the statedconditions has been read and agreed.
Under the circumstance of the proceeding paragraph, the peoples court shall declare the debtor bankrupt.
Corporation annual inspection procedure communion, declare dutiable goods procedure experience communion.
I hereby declare that the above statement is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Anguine grain also jumps sneaker face unexpectedly, also be in it seems that declare Xiaolong year advent.
Parents complain their children are behaving unreasonably while the children declare their parents to be oldfashioned.
I command you to accuse yourselves, and to declare the truth, amidst the tearing of your flesh, and the dislocation of your bones.
The registered owner and a registered distributor if applicable should also declare to the Hong Kong Licensing Office on application form
We hereby declare that the statements and information given in this listing are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, true and complete.

单词 declare 释义

  • 单词释义:宣称;表明;断言;公布;申报;(在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局  [更多..]



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