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单词 debit 例句大全,用单词debit造句:

Debit cards are the first nails in the coffin of traditionalfinaneial methods.
It also wants the law changed to abolish altogether charges for using debit cards.
The bank's closed now, but I can get some money out with my debit card at any ATM.
Debit cards, also nonus known as check cards, do not have interest interest charges.
This cash card is a debit card designed to provide flexibility when making purchases.
这张现金卡是借记卡, 能使购物更加灵活方便。
Please accept them on our behalf and meet them at maturity to the debit of our account.
Therefore, the protection of credit card debit card information will not be compromised.
And the calculating methods of constant current and dynamic characters was also debit with.
The trial balance can prove the equality of debit and credit balances in the ledger accounts.
To transfer debit balances in partners'drawing accounts to their respective capital accounts.
This Direct Debit Authorisation will be cancelled automatically on the date included in this box.
They added new billing tricks to credit cards and made millions on overdraft fees in debit cards.
他们巧立名目, 向数百万群众收取借记卡的透支费。
Interest received on bond investments is recorded by a debit to Cash and a credit to Interest Revenue.
The client can pay with credit cards, debit cards, cash, cheques, transfer from account to account, etc.
客户可以用信用卡, 借计卡, 支票, 划帐等方式付款。
If he admits and agrees to compensate, a miscellaneous debit voucher should be prepared for him to sign.
如果客人许可并同意赔偿, 便准备一张借条让客人签名
I conceive you have done quite right to debit him in account for the amount of the invoice transmitted him.
应该交由该人入帐的发票总额, 谅已列入该人的借方帐内。
The entry to record receipt of a cash dividend consists of a debit to cash and a credit to Dividend Revenue.
The debit and credit double entry bookkeeping technique is to be used for recordding all accounting transaction.
Ignorance once again two days ago, the British raid on topics related to arrests of12 terror suspects debit matter.
When I enter my credit card or debit card information into the ESD applications, how can I be sure that it is safe?
Capital inflow shall be recorded as a credit item,while capital outflow shall be recorded as a debit item in the capital account.
The debit and credit accounting system shall be adopted unless it is specially provided for in the relevant provisions of these Rules.
The important thing to note in this entry is that the debit is made to the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts and not to the Uncollectible Accounts.
The accounting of the joint venture company shall adopt the internationally used accrual Basis and debit and credit accounting system in their work.
New Words current adj. account n. giro n. credit n. standing adj. order n. direct a. debit n. demand n. calculate v. overdraft n. arrangement n. charge v.

单词 debit 释义

  • 单词释义:借方;借方帐目;缺点,弊端  [更多..]



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