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单词 debate 例句大全,用单词debate造句:

This is America Issues of Economics and Fairness Intensify Debate on Working Mothers
At the break, I was asked by several people about my comments about the aging debate.
休息的时候,有几个人过来问我 对老龄化问题怎么看
The debate finished at midnight and the delegates left the chamber shortly afterwards.
The debate of the plenary was also devoted to the promotion of lasting peace in Africa.
The Debate Match was held at Si Yuan Amphitheatre with an audience of over 200 students.
What are the implications of these lags for the debate over active versus passive policy?
debate principles the debate system interpretation right attack the referee res judicata.
In the antidumping investigation, the debate focuses on whether the antidumping is tenable.
Several Points of Thought on the Debate whether the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished or Not
To achieve this objective, we should break the political deadlock through debate and dialogue.
Mencius is well known for his proficiency and liking in debate. His debate relies on momentum.
We must adhere to the policy of letting a hundred schools of thought contend, and promote debate.
In one debate, he could not remember the three departments of state which he had promised to abolish.
在一次辩论中, 他忘了打算废除的三个部的名字。
In addition, I welcome my colleagues the Ministers for Foreign Affairs who are present at this debate.
The Committee continued its general debate with statements by the representatives of Algeria and Spain.
The chief judge has announced the debate closed, the defendant has the right to make a final statement.
Observations of the Argumentative Debate and Distinguishment Concerning the Crime of Malicious Accusation
Most notable is the surprising diversity and eloquence of the debate among both academics and regular visitors alike.
aids alert There's no longer room for debate about whether an HIV positive mom should breast-feed or bottle-feed an infant.
The debate on this subject touches on larger issues concerning the accountability and independence of central banking institutions.
The two sides continue to be worlds apart on both the number and scope of any amendments that would be offered as part of the debate.
Debate in the house of commons on a motion to adjourn the sit, used by backbench mps to raise point of particular interest to themselves.
Take the broadband internet, where the debate over national comparisons has been particularly lively. Incentives abound to inflate numbers.
以宽带互联网为例, 人们有许多动机夸大用户数量。
But in the past two centuries, the debate on the existence or abolish of the Capital punishment has been outspread in the academy of criminal law.
但近两个世纪, 死刑存废的论争在全世界刑法学界展开。
Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy.

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