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单词 dawdle 例句大全,用单词dawdle造句:

To avoid over your opponent, should not be too dawdle oh.
为了避免对手超过你, 也不要太磨蹭哦。
Now you dawdle, be careful in the future a mixed day you.
你现在混日子, 小心将来日子混了你。
Don t dawdle along your home work. Its already 9 o clock.
If you dawdle in the shower, you'll make me late for work.
如果你洗澡磨磨蹭蹭的, 就会害得我迟到。
And don't dawdle in the shower. Massages are in 13 minutes.
The teacher told the students not to dawdle away their time.
Don't dawdle over your clothing. You're so beautiful already.
His brainwave easily, drew a dawdle on paper, send that clerk.
Be properly work in the future, not every day in order to dawdle!
规规矩矩地工作, 不要每天只是混时间!
Consider to discover, the nutrient value of dawdle is next to milk.
研究发现, 蘑菇的营养价值仅次于牛奶。
Now then, jump to it. Dont dawdle about in that halfhearted fashion.
行了, 赶快工作吧, 不要无精打采, 到处闲荡了。
Dont dawdle over your makeup, we dont want to be late for the concert.
There is only half an hour left. Dont dawdle over your window shopping.
只剩半个钟, 别再磨磨蹭蹭地看橱窗啦。
Some people muddling along into the day into a day monk bell, called dawdle.
Of course, if be the practice of dawdle, that can do a person that copy only.
Students scurry around campus during the bleak winter months they rarely dawdle.
53 go to school take money dawdle, work with mixed day money. Hey its just life.
Students scurry around campus during the bleak winter months; they rarely dawdle.
Dawdle contains inorganic the composition such as qualitative, vitamin and protein.
Dawdle often grows in toilet, agaric still grows occasionally on doorcase, how to do
卫生间里老是长蘑菇, 门框上有时候还长木耳, 怎么办啊
The method of preserve one's health of dawdle more the attention that got each country.
Long to ask great thinker of ancient for building high product Dawdle away not with body of a lifetime.
Use as balcony metope adornment can choose dawdle stone, it is concave and convex and apparent, more adjacent and natural.
用作阳台墙面装饰可选用蘑菇石, 它凹凸明显, 更接近天然。
Achieving expanded and improved on the much soughtafter, if dawdle over 4 years, even to find a job, but also stem not good.
学得好就抢手, 要是混日子过4年, 即使找到工作, 也干不了多好。
As the West too suffers through a protracted downturn while its politicians bicker and dawdle, more voices are asking if the U.
由于政客的争吵和磨蹭, 西方国家也长时间陷入低迷。

单词 dawdle 释义

  • 单词释义:v.游手好闲,混日子  [更多..]



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