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单词 dashboard 例句大全,用单词dashboard造句:

Before securing the dashboard, make sure that all wires and plug connections are routed correctly.
To display more than two sensor readings in Dashboard you can launch several copies of the widget.
Furthermore, the center console, doors and lower dashboard are trimmed in black Fine Nappa leather.
此外, 中控台, 车门和较低的仪表板装饰黑色精细纳帕皮革。
I didnt think of the bloody mess my nails had been when Id finished clawing it out of the dashboard.
Review simple dashboard reports for your pipeline focusing you and your team on the most important deals.
To connect to your computer, choose the user connection you want from the list on the left of the Dashboard.
要连接计算机, 请在仪表板左面的列表中选择用户连接。
Two lights in a plugin dashboard display indicate whether the front and rear license plates are visible or not.
Use the following guidelines to evaluate where optimization might be required for better dashboard performance.
Are you sure you want to delete Deleting this dashboard will permanently erase the dashboard and all of its contents.
Front seat passengers should maintain a gap of not less than one quarter of a metre between their body and the dashboard.
前座乘客的身体, 应与仪表板最少保持四分一米的距离。
By the time an e-mail arrives at your dashboard computer alerting you to the fault, you are presented with the solution as well.
The petrol tank no longer sits in front of the dashboard below the driver's window. It is at the rear where petrol tanks should be.
Motorola is working on a concept called the iRadio that will integrate music and personalized Internet services on a dashboard device.
Imagine that you are driving along the Santa Monica Freeway when suddenly your dashboard begins flashing this message: FATAL ERROR 60438.
An outofthebox site optimized for report access and management, including a report library, data connection library, and a dashboard template.
The dashboard provides a similar effect and has been carried over from the Continental, complete with large Telefunken radio speaker aperture.
仪表板也提供了类似的效果, 并已进行了从完善。
Of course, this is just a bad fantasy, but as software makers vie for space on your dashboard, the words ' operating system ' are taking on a whole new meaning.

单词 dashboard 释义

  • 单词释义:仪表板;仪表的控制盘;挡泥板;仪表盘  [更多..]



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