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单词 dark 例句大全,用单词dark造句:

Look!The bubbles are dark now. Your hands are too dirty and make the bubbles dark.
Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed f loral notes abound.
层层叠叠的李子和樱桃的香味, 充满花香并带有一丝辛辣。
AC Milan striker Ronaldo admits he's in the dark over when he will available again.
The bus acquired a dark, hushed mood, full of the silence of absence and lost years.
A dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves; flavors absinthe liqueurs.
This cannot be the actual size of the dark object, the Dark Twin. The Zetas explain.
这不可能是该黑暗物体, 即黑暗孪星的实际大小。
Outer tail feathers basally white. Dark breast sharply demarcated from white abdomen.
She had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam,
Objective To explore the change of dark focus after Coriolis acceleration stimulation.
He wore a droopy moustache, and was kind of darkskinned, with dark hair and dark eyes.
他留着下垂的小胡子, 皮肤有点黑, 黑头发, 眼睛。
They give the cause of this accelerated expansion a name, and they call it dark energy.
他們給引起加速膨脹的原因 取了個名字,叫做暗能量。
The discovery of dark energy is revisited and the density of dark energy is calculated.
Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy, unknown forces that puzzle astronomers.
Leaf blade adaxially dark green, without blotches, abaxially light green connectives obtuse.
叶片正面深绿色, 没有斑点, 淡绿药隔钝。
Larvae dark gray color, green or weak stomach abdomen only with three and a pair of tail foot.
幼虫深灰绿或淡青色, 腹部仅有腹足三对及尾足一对。
Capitate sheet is unripe, yellow of ligulate flower gold, flower is dark Brown or dark purple.
From the dark Some of the floor in the Puwan after the emergence from the dark damp inflation.
Dark field imaging of nucleic acid molecules the formation of image of phased object in dark field.
The tortoise is dark sigh impolitic, be forced to abandon turtle shell, one pace ground climbed score.
乌龟暗叹失策, 只好舍弃龟壳, 一步一步地爬到了终点线。
Leaf blade adaxially dark green, without blotches, abaxial surface greenish. Anther connectives obtuse.
叶片正面深绿色, 没有大块斑点, 背面带绿色。花药药隔钝。
Are you still able to picture the beautiful fireflies being able to sparkle under the dark starry night
Notable is, avoid by all means of dark sore patient makes up, can make dark sore exasperate only otherwise.
此外, 运动后切忌马上使用面膜, 应待肌肤状况平稳后再敷。
Moreover, epicatechin absorption into the bloodstream was much lower than when dark chocolate was eaten alone.
Medium of dark at the time that noodles contract, the dark noodles in the reality has already had already extend.
Debate about the exact nature of the dark side of the Universe the dark matter and dark energy continues to this day.

单词 dark 释义

  • 单词释义:黑暗的;乌黑的;忧郁的;神秘的  [更多..]



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