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单词 dangerous 例句大全,用单词dangerous造句:

He was a dangerous adversary, and had few scruples in taking every possible advantage.
Farming in South Africa has become one of the most dangerous professions in the world.
在南非, 种地成了世界上最危险的职业。
The rocket developed a dangerous leak, which forced the abortion of the planned launch.
Vessels carrying dangerous goods shall report the dangerous goods'category and quantity.
Well, are you feeling adventuresome ? Do you want to do something dangerous or exciting ?
噢,你是不是想冒险?想干点危险,刺激的事 吗
Furthermore, abject poverty is one of the most dangerous sources of conflict and instability.
It would become dangerous when the obsession accumulates into a string ball without solution.
It is a general viewpoint in academy that dangerous offence is a kind of accomplished offence.
危险犯是犯罪既遂的类型之一, 这本是学界通行的见解。
The crime of dangerous driving is an abstract dangerous criminal that allows to be disproofed.
Such is the ability of modern advertising experts to make capital out of a dangerous situation.
Quite will like more in the future to the dangerous play, was also afterward aerobatic display.
越往后对危险动作颇为爱好, 也就是后来得特技表演。
A study shows that nature aborts not to increase the dangerous sex that contracts breast cancer.
Adventure advice Avoid going rafting during the monsoon season. High water levels make it dangerous.
探险建议避免在雨季去泛舟, 高水位使泛舟很危险。
Thats the same artificial, dangerous problem that those who adhere to racism are trying to create here.
这种人为的危险问题, 正是种族主义者在此想制造的。
Do not ignore warnings from the locals if the volcano is active, it can be very dangerous near the summit
Rain, fog, snow, and wind affect the fishermen since these conditions may sometimes be dangerous to them.
The employee that acting experienced company attracts is more, more dangerous instead to obtain employment.
代练公司吸引的员工越多, 对就业反而越危险。
Elenora soon discovers that this lark will be a far more dangerous adventure than she'd been led to believe.
On the Determination of the Behavior of Getting Rid of the Dangerous State after the Accomplishment of a Crime
Jack Morrison I said it wasnt any more dangerous than being on the engine! I never said it wasnt dangerous
Mercy in an individual is a wonderful thing, but mercy on the part of a government actor can be a very dangerous thing.
Tanks for transport of dangerous goods Service equipment for tanks Vapour collection adaptor and vapour collection coupler.
Actual Measure and Numerical Simulated Forecast Analysis of Dangerous Position Freeze Temperature Field of Deep Topsoil Layer
The doer of the dangerous offence prevents the take place of the criminal results, which can be regarded the break off of the actual damage offence.
Yet Dr Odent, who remained outside the door of the delivery-room while his own children were born, regards this upsurge as nothing more than an ill-advised and potentially dangerous trend.

单词 dangerous 释义



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