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单词 dance 例句大全,用单词dance造句:

After the military, he became a dance teacher and executive in the dance school industry.
Another important component of the Chinese music and dance culture is the religious dance.
Lantern Festival including lion dance, dragon dance, lanterns and other customs of downtown.
But fortunately, life is nothing but a continuing dance of birth and death, a dance of change.
The melodious music and graceful dance demonstrate fully the advantages of the Tibetans dance.
Rambert Dance Company was established in 1926. It is Britain s dance company with long histoty.
A comparison study between zhezhi dance tang and song, china and lotus stage dance gaoli, korea
The reception was followed by a modern dance performance by the Guangdong Modern Dance Company.
And then we had dance solos where only one person would dance and everybody would point to them.
接下来就是独舞 所有人就都指着他们
Person who has no dancing partners at a dance and has to sit or stand around while others dance.
The Dongba dance step is really a precious heritage in the history of the Chinese dance culture.
Being artistic modality of Tibetan Buddhism, fete dance of Tha Kung is a kind of religious dance.
Our dance studio teaches children and adults and provides dance instruction in tap, jazz and ballet.
Original Relation between Quanzhou's Picking Lotus Dance and Ancient Musical Dance of Central Plains
In the dance choreography technique in the pas de deux, three dances, dance technique combined with.
Original Relation between Quanzhou's Picking Lotus Dance and Ancient Musical Dance of Central Plains.
A , rockn roll, the United States sways the dance all to cowboy dance influence having got certainly.
波普, 摇滚, 美国摇摆舞都对牛仔舞有着一定的影响。
dance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes
The music for the dance is soft and beautiful, which matches the theme and style of the dance perfectly.
The professors at the dance college always spend their spare time collecting books on ancient Chinese dance.
The digital dance is a production of the development of modern science and technology, derived from video dance.
Such as the Bayu Dance introduced in the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty dance of Emperor Qing conquering the Battle array.
如汉世之引进巴渝舞, 唐代引进秦王破阵乐
Of them, the dance of connecting arm called sun dance was original meaning and formation of the connecting arm of later ages.
Audiences will also enjoy the many styles of dance in the show including salsa, the rumba, street dance, hiphop, samba, jazz and ballet.
In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged.

单词 dance 释义

  • 单词释义:跳舞;舞会;舞蹈艺术;舞曲  [更多..]



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