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单词 cyan 例句大全,用单词cyan造句:

There are also three secondary colours in the spectrum yellow, magenta and cyan.
Threecolour process Process work using the yellow, magenta and cyan without black.
The cyan, yellow and magenta toners each have their own fuser behavior assignments.
Here, the darkness may be divided using different methods between cyan and magenta.
The relation between activities and structures of the cyan couplers of phenolic type
So paint over the green lines, add another layer and select cyan and paint cyan lines.
We can draw a rainbow with red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and violet, seven colors.
Pint Magenta and Cyan together and evaluate the resulting purple tones against the color key.
如果这个橙色偏黄了, 减少黄色油墨
On the mechanism of cards and membership cards for making the color magenta, cyan, yellow and black.
Spot color business card printing and membership card production refers to the use of yellow, magenta and cyan.
专色制卡和会员卡制作是指拔取黄, 品赤, 青。
Blue printer One of the four pronting plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in cyan ink.
Cyan printer One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process whitch is to be printed in cyan ink.
To the basic halftone colours it is possible to add light magenta and light cyan, necessary to obtain soft shades in difficult printing reproductions.
打喷墨还有浅青和浅品两种颜色, 用于表现比较柔和的色彩。
The colour range includes the four primary colours yellow, magenta, cyan and black which allow to have the widest and most complete variety of colours.
通常打喷墨有四原色, 可还原出自然界大部分的色彩。
In process colour printing, for example, the screen angles might be 105 degree for cyan, 90 degree for yellow, 75 degree for magenta and 43 degree for black.

单词 cyan 释义

  • 单词释义:青色;蓝绿色(用于印刷);氰基  [更多..]



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