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单词 customization 例句大全,用单词customization造句:

There are four kinds of knife molding drawing, and they can also be customization.
刀模有图中四种, 如果厂家需要其他尺寸可定制。
Customization of furniture seems to be a trend that continues to develop and evolve.
Determine whether a document or workbook has a customization assembly or a data cache.
Third, method of product family modelling of design for mass customization is studied.
Which means that we can now present to the public the next generation of customization.
这意味着,我们可以向大众展示 下一代的客户定制。
Again, much of the Asterisk customization development and deployment is already in place.
The Design of Stadium Access Control System and the Realization of Customization Subsystem
Determination of the female's upper body measurements in the mass customization of apparel
Meanwhile we accept the personalized manual design for daily necessities and customization.
Degree of Seriousness about product Innovation and Process Innovation in Mass Customization
So its all about customization and giving me lots of options to change things aesthetically.
However, such a customization pattern is impractical in a multitenancyenabled service environment.
The Design of Teaching Plan of Higher Vocational Education under the Circumstance of Mass Customization
These examples assume that the document associated with your customization already has at least one table.
The requirements of the enterprise are changing during the product customization system development process.
企业在实施产品定制系统进程中, 需求是动念变化的。
We can say that Jean Paul Gaultiers Advanced Customization Show in the spring of2009 is extremely successful!
This paper simply introduced the concept of customization supply chain and described the connotation of postponement.
简单介绍了客户化供应链的概念, 描述了延迟策略的内涵。
A higher abstraction level with excellent customization is the holy grail for any development language, including the Java language.
And you don't necessarily need to use this for just aesthetic customization, you can use it for functional customization, scanning parts of the body.
你不只进行 审美定制。还可以功能定制。扫描产品部分

单词 customization 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[计]用户化,专用化,定制  [更多..]



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