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单词 child 例句大全,用单词child造句:

The child lulled the parent, as the parent had erst lulled the child.
Let your child's doctor for your child to develop a weight loss plan.
MISERABLE The child is hungry,tired,and homeless,he a miserable child.
Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action.
经验是思想之子, 思想是行动之子。
This child is nobody's child until someone makes her theirs officially.
If a child has no legal father, the child acquires the mother's surname.
如果孩子没有法定父亲, 这名孩子冠以母姓。
And most of the cases, as you know, it is a child taking care of a child.
而且现实中, 往往是一个儿童在照顾另一个小孩。
Each people love own child, but the excessive love will injure the child.
MISERABLE The child is hungry, tired, and homeless, he a miserable child.
那孩子又饿, 又累, 又无家可归, 他是个可怜的孩子。
Industry Crib Furniture Child desk, child chair Dining table Dining chair.
Reading to a child from infancy offers several special gifts to the child.
So small child child won't say Zai Internet bar late for certain play game.
This was a child, speaking against them, a child tal king like a grown man.
A child who has not been read to is in danger when that child gets to school.
不曾听过他人念书的孩子 入学后将处于风险中
Mr Inghams oldest child with his wife is27, while his youngest child is eight.
A blush mounted to the child's face, ie The blood spread to the child's cheeks.
Industry Crib Child desk, child chair Other childrens furniture Hall furniture.
The father threatened to punish the child if the child did not obey his orders.
A child born out of wedlock shall have the same rights as a child born in wedlock.
Retrieves reference to the first child in the child Nodes collection of the object.
The man with the microphone went from child to child, asking them what they believed.
If the child is in foster care, the provisions of the Child Care Act must be satisfied.
如果孩子是被领养的, 必须符合儿童保护法案的条款。
Or she would manifest her love for the child by trying to search and find the lost child
还是她会去展现爱的表徵, 而去找小孩?
I were going to beget a child knowing that the child was going to be a homicidal maniac.
If the parent of a child has a inherited disease, the child would have the same disease.

单词 child 释义

  • 单词释义:儿童,小孩;子女  [更多..]



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