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单词 chauffeur 例句大全,用单词chauffeur造句:

The hotel chauffeur concerned will send a message to Guest Services Manager for further instructions.
With the aid of his chauffeur, he managed to save many of his pictures by tossing them out the window.
他在司机的帮助下进行抢救, 把许多幅画从窗口抛了出去。
When they got to the auditorium, the scientist put on the chauffeur's hat and settled in the back row.
A lie o f glass, thin acid transparent, he thought. The chauffeur must certainly be laughing to himself.
The cost of chauffeur school is 5, 400 rupees, or about 118, per student and the course lasts two months.
In the end the chauffeur, after getting nothing but refusals at every turn, flung the food down and took off.
My husband, acting as the gobetween and chauffeur, set down one basic rule We had to be on the road by 9 a. m. each morning.
At his Swiss boarding school, where he passed as the son of a chauffeur, Kim Jong Un was known for bossing players around on the basketball court.

单词 chauffeur 释义



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