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单词 charcoal 例句大全,用单词charcoal造句:

A New Method of Preparing Big Modulus Sodium Silicate and Active Charcoal from Rice Dusk Ash
Do not water with bamboo charcoal package, cloth coat can be washed after removing the padding.
A novel process was adopted to gain activated carbon with high area from coconut shell charcoal.
Activated charcoal is good at trapping carbonbased impurities , as well as things like chlorine.
活性炭在捕获含碳杂质方面特别有效, 对氯气也是如此。
The influence of sucrose and activated charcoal on the Pinus ponderosa adventitious buds culture
Air purifier, bamboo charcoal, activated carbon and other health products marketing and sales agent.
Technology on preparation of formed fuel charcoal from powder charcoal through adhesion was studied.
Adsorption properties of bamboo charcoal under different carbonized temperatures for heavy metal ions
He connected two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between the other ends of the wires.
No sooner were the pieces of charcoal rubbed against the glass rod than electricity appeared on the rod.
In this paper, it is studied making active carbon from the fruit shell of Chinese tallow tree and charcoal.
A type powdery activated charcoal was preduced from xylitol residue with phosphoric acid as activating agent.
Defend and accumulate charcoal control, and have three kinds of fireproofing functions while being intellgent.
智能化防积炭控制, 具有三种防火功能。
Results of the experiments stated that activated carbon from pine root charcoal could be used as catalyst carrier.
实验证明, 松根炭制成的活性炭可以作为载体活性炭。
And you can make a very thick, sticky porridge out of it, which you can use to bind together the charcoal briquettes.
你可以把它做成糊 再用这个糊把木炭块粘在一起
The cloth needs to be prepared first and then the artist works out the sketches of the portraits with charcoal sticks.
The method of treatment predominantly used in the Netherlands is gastric lavage in combination with activated charcoal.
Charcoal of disappear smelly appropriative can be put inside boots, very effective to moisture absorption deodorization!
The measurement of indoor radon by using method of the activated charcoal absorption and liquid scintillation accumulation
GC analysis of dimethoate in blood and the percentage clearance of the poison by hemoperfusion with membrane activated charcoal
Diatomaceous earth and charcoal are the porous elements, asbestos the strengthening material, and the cement is the binder.
Experimental Research on Gas Chromatographic Determination for Butyl Ether Collected by Activated Charcoal in the Workplace Air.
The charcoal filling has tenuity effect in the improvement of water quality were only by its absorption and interception function.
The brazier was almost cold the monk added charcoal to it, and he cooked his rice over it, roasting some thinlysliced gourd to accompany it.
An Analysis of Charcoal Drawing Teaching for Students Majoring in Traditional Chinese Painting in Fine Arts Education in Normal Universities

单词 charcoal 释义

  • 单词释义:木炭;炭画笔;木炭画  [更多..]



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