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单词 char 例句大全,用单词char造句:

Chemical Fixation of Metals in Soil Using Bone Char and Assessment of the Soil Genotoxicity
Steam gasification of the lignite char is catalyzed by the inherent minerals in raw lignite.
There is relationship between reactivity and the number of active places on the char surfaces.
Under the same conditions, the capacities were alike in both of bone char and purified bone salt.
在相同条件下, 骨炭和再生骨盐两者再生后的除氟容量相似。
The Zerg forces on Char were completely decimated, and their losses were tallied in the millions.
The most compact way to encode such information is a set of onebit flags in a single char or int.
char accumulate heat performance of coated tongue is thick, yellow urine, thirst, constipation etc.
中焦蕴热者可表现为舌苔厚, 尿黄, 便秘, 口渴等
Nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy were applied to characterize the char structure.
The desulfurization property of activated char has close relationship with its preparation conditions.
Study on Combustion Kinetics of Partial Gasified Coal Char by Using Distributed Activation Energy Model
Effects of matrix resins on the structure of char layer and the fireproof property of intumescent coating
The results showed that char deactivation happens during char burnout in fluidized bed combustion condition.
The thermoset phenolic resin with high char yield has been synthesized with Naphthol, phenol and formaldehyde.
The immediate batch will require deodorization to char the protein material to facilitate removal in bleaching.
Grey Correlation Analysis of the Factors having an Effect on Coal Char Specific Surface Area and Pore Properties
The sum of other data type columns, including char and nchar data, must fall within the 8,060byte row limit.
Heat insulation effects of foamed cellar char resulting from intumescent fire resistive coatings for steel structures.
The gasification reactivity of char made by thermogravimetric analyzer was better than that of char made by fixed bed.
An actual char ge weight is finally determined by use of different formulas for calc ulation of charge weight and by ex perience.
以不同的公式计算药量, 再结合经验, 最终选取实际的药量。
The gasification reactivity of the mixture of petroleum and coal char is different from that of pure petroleum coke or pure coal char.
The configuration analysis of the adsorption isotherm of nitrogen in low temperature with the lignite char produced under fast pyrolysis

单词 char 释义

  • 单词释义:把…烧成炭,把…烧焦;烧焦  [更多..]



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