The challenged is very powerful. I am afraid the challenger will end in vain.
The challenged is very powerful. I am afraid the challenger will end in vain.
擂主的实力很强, 估计攻擂者要无功而返了。
That sort of thing that happened famously, I think, with the Challenger inquiry
这样的事情经常会发生, 我认为, 随着挑战者询问
The challenger fought such a good match that the champion came off second best.
挑战者在比赛中打得非常出色, 连冠军也被击败了。
The challenger seemed to be outclassed, although he was the first to let blood.
This time the Eastern challenger is for real, both economically and geopolitically.
In the boxing last night the champion knocked his challenger out in the first round.
在昨晚的拳击赛中, 冠军在第一轮中就将挑战者击昏在地。
Much like you talked about being a smaller movie, we're very much a challenger brand.
就像你说到的小成本电影一样 我们是一个刚起步的品牌
The challenger found out the hard way that the champions left hand had to be avoided.
This is what we are commemorating the Challenger on the best way to the seven heroes.
The challenger wouldn't admit defeat and came back for more punishment time after time.
那挑战者不认输, 常常回过来, 却挨了许多揍。
Starbucks, meanwhile, is not standing still waiting for the next challenger to step up.
与此同时, 星巴克并不坐等下一个挑战者发展壮大。
Champion hung one on his challenger in the second round and knocked him out of the ring.
In 1978, she joined the astronaut corps and in 1983 flew aboard Space Shuttle Challenger.
Since she got to the top, she has carefully removed every potential challenger from office.
The challenger showed the white feather as soon as he stepped into the ring with the champion.
Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
There once lived a great warrior. Though quite old, he still was able to defeat any challenger.
Mir Hussein Moussavi is the main challenger to the declared victor, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honoured us by the manner in which they lived their lives.
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This could be the winning game for the challenger, who only needs two more points for the championship.
S. campuses is merely the first front of the inevitable struggle between the hegemon and its challenger.
According to the rules of the contest, if the former winner can defeat the challenger, he'll get a prize of 10,000 yuan.
In the contest to select an America's Cup challenger, the underdogs may be short on funds, but memories of Team New Zealand's 1995 win fill their sails with hope.