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单词 chicken 例句大全,用单词chicken造句:

We tasted some authentic Dezhou braised chicken when we passed through Dezhou.
We need increase the intake of other meats like fish, chicken, BEEF or mutton.
Graphene consists of carbon atoms held together in a lattice like chicken wire.
To learn more about the chicken pox and chicken pox treatment, please visit us.
Many chicken slaughter plants have shut down, and feed sales have been affected.
The measles and chicken pox vaccines also are made from a live attenuated virus.
She forgot to put the chickens in chicken coops and instead put them in her attic.
The chicken farm is going to select some good roosters to raise as breeding stock.
You are such a chicken. If you dont agree with him, why dont you tell it to his face.
You're all good guys, you're all chicken, and you're all yellow, but you're good guys.
Ate some BBQ chicken at a mom and pop restaurant. Much better than any chain restaurant.
She has bought a machine that will turn her chicken farm into a factory for chicken pies.
Eating lean chicken breasts every day has been paying off. I’ve already lost 3kgs so far.
We also have springs rolls with shredded chicken, beef balls, rice flour rolls, and turnip pudding.
Pydrogen peroxide is usually used to bleach the Baiyun chicken claw, in order to get the beautiful color.
During the war, our army often used letters attached with a chicken feather to deliver important messages.
Hollywood Alister Julia enjoyed creamy chicken curries while making her latest film, Eat Pray Love, in India.
尤其是冬笋的味道更好, 它们成米色, 并且口感较嫩。
Couscous, Moroccan chicken with dried apricots, raisins and razor-thin slices of almond are gracefully served up.
To acne and chicken pox and India Herbal Treatment is best, I use traditional Chinese medicine ! ! ! ! !
Park, Lord and screenwriter Karey Kirkpatrick stocked Chicken Run with a cross-section of British types: Bunty is bossy.
Mind you, don't have one of Knotts Berry Farm's chicken dinners beforehand with generous dollops of gravy pooled into mashed potato.
For just 35 cents you can chow down on batter-fried prawns, grilled beef, fried fish and roasted sparrows which, we 've been assured, taste like chicken.
Ayam Panggang Blue Ginger-boned chicken thigh and drumstick flavored with coconut milk and spices and then perfectly grilled is one of their signature not-to-be-missed dishes.
Chicken Run is one of the few features made in the form of animation known as stop motion, in which plasticine puppets on miniature film sets must be adjusted 24 times for every second of film.
A person's managerial ability will improve more as a general manager of a small company than as a department manager in a big one. He therefore chose to be the beak of a chicken than the rump of an ox.

单词 chicken 释义

  • 单词释义:鸡(肉);胆小鬼  [更多..]



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