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单词 cheer 例句大全,用单词cheer造句:

The Goat awards the Tortoise with a gold medal. All the animals cheer!
The band plays, the fans cheer, and fireworks light up the scoreboard.
How do you keep cheer when you go from beautiful to bald in three days?
你怎能保持振奋 在你的外型从美丽 在三天之内变成秃字
As the cheerleader, I wore the mini skirt again to cheer the athletes up.
我作为啦啦队长又再次穿上了超短裙, 给运策动加油。
They say they never watch ads on TV, but cheer the reruns of the old ones.
A few of his family were stood around trying to cheer him up, to no avail.
Cheer is a very simple thing, but it really cheer Applaud them for others
It was enough to give a cheer last month when he rasped his last sour breath.
Hundreds of people lined the waterfront to cheer the award-winning windjammer.
Cheer up, Bernard, he added, catching sight of his friend's green unhappy face.
Best Wishes For You! Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.
祝好运, 健康, 佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新。
Most pernicious of all, the government bond world is threatening to dampen any cheer.
最要命的是, 国债领域有可能让任何欢呼声都嘎然而止。
The airman looped the loop three times and won the cheer in chorus from the spectators.
Beside that, you can cheer for it to express your excitement when it is in the dustbin.
丢进垃圾桶后, 如果你要欢呼以示爽快也行。
When Andy Lau, a superstar appeared on the stage, the fans gave him a spontaneous cheer.
当天王巨星刘德华登上舞台时, 歌迷们发出自发的喝彩声。
All the diehard fans who came to Beijing to cheer for the Sichuan Team are from Chengdu.
After eight bleak years, Jesus'birthplace finally has a Christmas season to cheer about.
At this point the audience will cheer and you will get caught up in the wonder of Kabuki!
The time of year generally associated with merriment and cheer can be incredibly stressful.
At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and don his hollyshaped bow tie.
Then cannons began to boom out over the city. Crowds rushed to the White House to cheer the president.
So, tried brother, cheer your heart with Samson's words, and rest assured that God will deliver you ere long.
From this year on, we have reduced several agricultural and livestock breeding taxes, so the peasants clap and cheer.
The author finds at least some cheer in recent breakthroughs in alternative sources of energy, chiefly solar and wind.
作者发现了少许替代能源的突破, 主要是太阳能和风能。
Two years ago today I was blessed with the best thing that ever happened to me, my beautiful daughter Jordyn. No matter if I’m having a bad day or sad about things you are the one person that can always cheer me up. Happy Birthday Jordyn, daddy loves you so much!

单词 cheer 释义

  • 单词释义:喝彩;欢呼;加油;鼓舞  [更多..]



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