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单词 adhesive 例句大全,用单词adhesive造句:

The first requirement for any adhesive bond is that the adhesive most wet the substrate.
对所有粘结剂粘结的首先要求, 就是必须能浸润基材。
Synthesis and application of acrylate coating printing adhesive modified by organosilicon
Resorcin diepoxide ether adhesive is a high strength adhesive curing at room temperature.
Effect of active carbon on decolorization of peach gum hydrolysate Study on Peach Adhesive
As heat is introduced, the adhesive coating on the card and the rough film adhere together.
由于热介绍, 卡上的涂料和胶粘剂的粗片粘在了一起。
Collocate the precision metric gear, make adhesive further more even to produce the adhesive.
Self adhesive tapes. Measurement of peel adhesion from stainless steel or from its own backing.
Low stripped strength used for protection of label, adhesive tape and double side adhesive tape.
低剥离力用于标签, 胶带及双面胶带等的保护。
Studies on Antioxidative Starch Adhesive and its Adhesive Properties for Aluminium Foil and Paper
Clinical analysis of spreading traditional Chinese medicine on abdomen in treatment adhesive ileus
It is an enterprise that produce and sell many kinds of adhesive tapes and special adhesive tapes.
Analysis and Characterization of Environmental Friendly Modified Acrylate Pigment Printing Adhesive
Minimum adhesive strength build up ensures easy peeling without adhesive migration and delamination.
The glue employs melamineresin adhesive, phenolicresin adhesive and ureaformaldehyde resin adhesive.
胶采用三聚氰胺树脂胶, 酚醛树脂胶, 尿醛树脂胶。
When in use, the multifunctional adhesive bandage can be torn to respectively adhere on uneven regions.
if the adhesive layer with a thick, which increase the height of a uniformly cots, malta adhesive layer.
如果胶层较厚, 可提高匀胶辊高度, 将胶层减薄。
Pneumatic braking, the adhesive tape could stop instant when stop the machine, position and label accurately.
The properties of title adhesive comprising fully blocked isocyanate and polymer and additives was introduced.
The Affection of Latex Temperature to the Latex Liquid Viscosity Adhesion and Adhesive Strength of Dipping Tire Cord.
Vinyl Acetate and Acrylate copolymer emulsion adhesive is one of the important applications for emulsion polymerization.
醋 丙共聚物乳液胶粘剂是乳液聚合技术的重要应用之一。
To replace traditional double sides adhesive brushing and double sides adhesive tape. To avoid unnecessary release parer.
The function of ground paper fiber and ground paper fiber adhesive is for sound absorption and thermal insulation purpose.
Influence of Tincture Iodine and Povidone Used for Disinfection of Skin on Adhesion of Surgical Adhesive Dressing Membrane
To prevent the keyboard from smudging, the labeling must be covered with a transparent adhesive strip or a transparent adhesive film.
为了防止弄脏键盘标签, 应使用透明胶条或透明胶片覆盖。
Clinical Observation on External Application and Enema of Herbal Medicine Combined with Acupuncture for Adhesive Intestinal Obstruction
中药灌肠, 外敷, 针刺治疗粘连性肠梗阻临床疗效观察

单词 adhesive 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.带粘性的,胶粘;n.粘合剂  [更多..]



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