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单词 active 例句大全,用单词active造句:

An adaptive control approach applied to practical active sound absorption systems is presented.
The absorption function to palladium and gold by improving active carbon is strongly perfected.
摘要通过对活性炭的改性, 提高活性炭对钯和金的吸附作用。
The Adaptive Technique for an Active Acoustic fuze to Resist Waves and Recognize a Surface Ship.
Visual evoked potential abnormality in central serous choroidoretinopathy during the active stage
Accordingly, seasonable and active intervention of the government or precaution are very necessary.
The Reason and Countermeasure Analysis of Boiler Flue Ash Accumulation Cause Active Pressure Burning
Based on the combination of two above, an active absorption control floating raft system is proposed.
将两者相结合, 研究了浮筏的主动吸振控制问题。
Accessory for active and passive safety during the application of the highpressure water jet technique.
If the guardian requests the accompaniment, must agree after the organizer, the active expense equates.
如家长要求陪同, 需经主办方同意, 活动费用等同。
Adaptive Active Control of Sound Absorption Based on the Sound Pressure on the Active Structure Surface
The dimming process is also accompanied by the lowering of power factor, which reduces the active power.
The Electronic Structure and Active Atom Model of the Active Radical in Anticancerous Medicine Molecule.
Induction of antinuclear antibodies by immunization with activated lymphocytes and their active chromatin
Application of macroporous absorption resin in purification for active constituents from Saussurea involucrata
As such, a recommender must be able to accommodate the active participation of both the placeowner and visitor.
她说, 可能会通过将现役军人转为预备役来削减兵员。
For this end, the Development Unit runs a small but very active training entity called the Prosecutor Academy.
The active education and welfare policies necessary to ease the adjustment have been conspicuous by their absence.
Study on the Characteristic of Proline Accumulation and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Rhizophora stylosa under Salt Stress
Treatment was conservative and the arm was placed in an abduction sling for four weeks with subsequent active physiotherapy.
The treatment of the waste acid was discussed from sulfuric acid alkylation plant, and it was utilized to produce active clay.
Wuzhuhong was an active participant of creative writing and dramatic acting in the dramasociety on campus in her college years.
Analysis and Experiment Research on Measurement Accuracy Influencing Factors of Auto Active Gear Axle Cushion Preselecting Machine
Right now it means it could be potentially a very active summer, said Brad Bares, Ecologist North Shore Mosquito Abatement District.
眼下是夏天, 蚊虫很可能十分活跃。
the sixth achievement is the active participation in international multilateral and bilateral economic and technological cooperation.
Those who were not active in their leisure time were almost twice as likely to suffer symptoms of depression than the most active individuals.

单词 active 释义

  • 单词释义:积极的;忙碌的,活跃的;起作用的;主动语态的;起化学反应的  [更多..]



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