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单词 accession 例句大全,用单词accession造句:

It also welcomed the accession by New Caledonia to the status of observer in the South Pacific Forum.
Since Chinas accession into the WTO, foreignrelated patent rights disputes have been on the increase.
On accession to the throne, he liquidated his opponents ruthlessly and installed friends in key posts.
The second part is to analyze the effects of China's WTO accession on the accounting management system.
Characteristics and Strategic Choice of Chinese Commodity Trade in Import after China's Accession to WTO
This article sums up the above factors and proposes the standards and management of operation accession.
Regulations for the implementation of the copyright law of the people's Republic of China upon accession.
The accession of a databuffer storage is an effective measure to improve the reliability of data transfer.
I just finished reading the Independent Committee on Turkey's report on Turkey's EU accession negotiations.
Their accession to the WTO would further enhance the representativeness of the multilateral trading system.
The accession of a minor to the Swedish throne seemed to present the ideal opportunity for issuing a challenge.
Mexico's accession to those three instruments had been unanimously supported by the various parliamentary groups.
Thereafter the Treaty shall enter into force for any acceding State upon the deposit of its instrument of accession.
Three older reactors have been decommissioned under the terms of Slovakias accession agreement with the European Union.
在斯洛伐克进入欧盟的同意条款下, 三个反应堆退役了。
Interim Rules on the Administration of Patents in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries To be abolished upon accession
关于农业,畜牧业和渔业专利管理的暂行规定 加入时废止
Ratification or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations.
This Convention is open for accession by all States which are not signatory States as from the date it is open for signature.
In England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as the beginning with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485.
I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on Chinas accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization.
请利用这一有利条件, 即刻提交订单。
Hence those who use fire as an aid to the attack show intelligence; those who use water as an aid to the attack gain an accession of strength.

单词 accession 释义

  • 单词释义:增加;就职;增加物;(对同盟、国际条约等的)正式加入  [更多..]



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