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单词 access 例句大全,用单词access造句:

Consumers can access product information from a computer database mounted on supermarket shelves.
For their financial support, these firms gain access to the experiments but can not control them.
Your chosen address is so far away from downtown, so the access for traffic is quite inconvenient.
The benefits of newer hard drives include larger capacity of storage and faster read/ write access.
A class that encapsulates the discretionary access control list and the system access control list.
The Alumni Affinity Card offer access to a wide range of benefits, services, discounts and products.
It describes the set of principals that can access and utilize a service and the type of access allowed.
Parents call for filtering software products to help prevent their children's access to certain websites.
Represents an abstraction of an access control entry that defines an access rule for a file or directory.
Ensure that proper access is provided before entering any excavation and note the position of this access.
在进入挖掘坑之前, 确认有适当地进出通道并牢记其位置。
Access to high-quality health care is a right of all people and should be provided equitably as a public service.
Transport plays a role in access, and egress from a city, on which businesses rely to attract and serve customers.
Who should have access to our medical records and our financial information, and how will that access be controlled?
The iBook provides wireless Internet access via AirPort, a specially designed wireless link to local computer networks.
The trend of technological development of telecommunication networks is to provide both wired access and wireless access.
But since people don't always say what they think, marketeers would need direct access to consumers ' thoughts to get the truth.
Labelbased access control provides you with a method to have complete control on who can access the data in a very granular way.
Cable systems operated by Amsterdam-based UPC, offer phone, Internet access and cable television services in 12 European countries.
More and more devices will have access to the global positioning system (GPS), increasing the value of geographically indexed databases.
Even though unmetered access is experiencing troubles, many analysts and companies continue to insist that it will be the wave of the future.
It's been estimated that a whopping 60% of all employees with desktop Internet access go online at least once daily for non-business activities.
The following use of"access" was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; 'you can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers'.
Commuters in Hong Kong can now purchase watches that are embedded with a microchip that allows access to the underground with a simple swipe of the wrist.
Freeserve, which has about 2 million registered users for its access products, already claims 140,000 users for the two flat-rate plans it has launched since April.
This year's International Women's Day is inspired by the theme of 'Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women.'

单词 access 释义

  • 单词释义:入口,通道;(使用或见到的)机会/权利  [更多..]



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