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单词 accepted 例句大全,用单词accepted造句:

Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill and would be dishonorable to abandon.
It's really worth congratulating him because the song he compiled for the association has been accepted.
Abide by the universally accepted principles of international law and human rights in war against terrorism.
Are you are considering a career or have you recently accepted a position in academic cardiovascular medicine?
The local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough.
I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Club as printed on the reverse if I am accepted as a member.
Statistical abnormality examining and examining based on rule are generally accepted in intrusion detection module.
Payment may be made by cash and check but only accepted with a Bankers' Card covering the total value of the check.
He has been accepted by the department of civil engineering of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
Thus, the police school became has accepted each kind of characters place, the prodigal son, the odd person in abundance.
这样, 警校成了收容各种人物的场所, 浪子, 怪人纷纷而来。
Some people believe that madness is a synonym for heresy and the punishment for not being accepted by mainstream culture.
This new type of coloured TV is mainly sold to the European and American market, and has been well accepted by consumers.
The enterprise's operational method of assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses is well accepted by the people.
The abandonment shall not be attached with any conditions. Once the abandonment is accepted by the insurer, it shall not be withdrawn.
委付不得附带任何条件。委付一经保险人接受, 不得撤回。
Archspringing beam and upright of frame shall abut against each other tightly and they shall be checked and accepted before laying arch.
砌筑拱前, 拱脚梁与骨架立柱必须靠紧, 并经检查合格。
Already accepted as a common protocol by more than 500 electronics manufacturers, Bluetooth will be installed in over 80% of mobile phones by 2001.
I got good grades, went to Harvard and in 1971 was accepted into a graduate program there that allowed me to study law and business simultaneously.
Payment must be in Canadian or Hong Kong dollars. No other currency will be accepted. Please note that cash and personal cheques will NOTbe accepted.
Hearing that they won't be accepted by the school unless they pay 10000 yuan, the examinees from the country were all bemused and didn't know what to do.
Most other observers have long accepted that Puccini's work takes place in that hazy, mythic Orient that has for centuries existed only in the mind of the West.
Until Fred Gage came along, brain scientists accepted the idea that the neurons, or brain cells, you were born with were all the brain cells you would ever have.
In the feudal society of China, it was generally accepted that seniority should be respected, and that the respected should be treated differently from inferiors.
All of these kids had to be around 35% above the World Health Organization's mean recommended weight to be accepted and chose to spend their summer vacations this way.
He took part, together with Russian and Dutch artists, in the Signal group shows, but his works were not accepted at the 1918 exhibition of French painters in The Hague.
Forced to leave Germany when the Nazis came to power, Einstein accepted an appointment at the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., a scholarly retreat largely created around him.

单词 accepted 释义

  • 单词释义:公认的;可以接受的  [更多..]



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