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单词 acting 例句大全,用单词acting造句:

He has made a subjective mistake by acting according to his own will.
My mother has accompanied me to every audition and every acting class.
Congressional Democrats accused the administration of acting too late.
It was like acting with a chimpanzee who has amazing acting instincts.
Acting in secret to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful goal.
Wilders accused the British government of acting against freedom of speech.
They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men.
She made a pile from her acting. He earned excellent sums of money by acting.
Mary doesn't regret abandoning an acting career, because in fact she never did.
玛丽不后悔放弃了演员的职业, 因为事实上她从没当过演员。
a twist or aberration especially a perverse or abnormal way of judging or acting.
People come to enjoy the singing, the acting, the music and the acrobatic combat.
The acting Chief Executive shall abide by the provisions of Article 49 of this Law.
Offerred a few specific proposals with cold acting heat to accelerating electric steel.
Each side accuses the other of atrocities and of acting as a catspaw for foreign powers.
He is good at all the singing, speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting in Beijing Opera.
It included singing, tumbling, and acrobatics as well as martial arts skills and acting.
Thinking but not acting is daydream, acting but not thinking deeply that is a nightmare.
Previous to going to Juilliard Acting Academy in New York, Robin studied political science.
在罗宾去纽约朱莉亚戏剧学院以前, 他学习政治学。
What is acting cost Why should the agent explain manage to expend Is acting cost cash pledge.
You won't feel like you should be thinking when you're acting or acting when you're thinking.
你行动时不会觉得自己该去思考, 思考时也不会乱行动。
The court, acting in accordance with the law, established a collegial panel, which heard the case.
法院依法组成合议庭, 对本案进行审理。
In my opinion, the whole Party should study dialectics and advocate acting in accordance with dialectics.
我看, 全党都要学习辩证法, 提倡照辩证法办事。
The regulation also applies to the acquisition of joint control by a number of companies acting in concert.
Acting on the accusation letter from the local people, the police immediately banned the illegal organization.
在接到本地群众举报信后, 警方立即取缔了该不法构造。
At the very least, an indemnity should be demanded from those accounting firms that have been acting contrary to professional ethics.
至少, 必须要求那些违反职业道德的会计公司进行赔偿。

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