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单词 according 例句大全,用单词according造句:

According to Dr Venter, the raw materials for those pathways are abundant.
Fuzzy Processing in Optimization of AC Magnetic According Dyn amic Targets
Treat the abnormal situation according to the emergency response procedure.
According to Dr. Venter, the raw materials for those pathways are abundant.
Thus, according to the State party, the police action constitutes an abuse.
said Acacia string lute, the moon was in, according to Choi had been under.
To Rule Medicine According Law As Good Way And According Morality As A Root
依法治医为上, 以德治医为本
According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold the absence of heat.
依据物理定律, 我们之所以会感觉冷, 是因为缺少热能的缘故。
It was said he was mentally abnormal and was set free according to one law!
Second, we must select personnel wisely and assign duties according to ability.
二要善于选用人员, 量才授予职责。
Obesity is one of the leading causes of accelerated aging, according to Cooper.
按照库柏的看法, 过度肥胖是加速衰老的主要原因之一。
The minimum amount accepted for deposit varies according to the term you choose.
To ensure the absolute goodness, we should act in according to the pure good will.
要保证行为的绝对的善, 就只能是出于纯粹善良意志而行为。
The deodorization mechanism is also discussed according to the absorbing properties.
You decrease the Maximum acceptable recognition score according to your requirements.
Aleynikov has been placed on leave of absence by his new firm, according to Bloomberg.
Please abide by the rules of the theater. Take your seat according to your seat number.
They also promised to invoke contingency plans to accommodate more according to Mr Lee.
李卓人表示, 警方承诺若然与会人数众多, 会采取应变措施。
Set the constant temperature according to the required temperature of absorption liquid.
根据吸收液要求的温度, 设置恒温温度。
According to user demand, matching of different numerical control system and accessories.
根据用户的需求, 可选配不同的数控系统和附件。
Finally, the realization algorithm is accomplished according to the minimal segmental sets.
The new output is redefined according to the missile normal overload and angle acceleration.
Distribution according to Human Capital is the Modern Form of Distribution according to Work
According to research, calcium may help reduce the amount of saturated fat your body absorbs.
How abundantly to imagine strength, according to the present price, I do not blame him right!
想像力多么丰富, 按照现在的物价, 我不怪他才对呢!

单词 according 释义



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