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单词 accordion 例句大全,用单词accordion造句:

The man who played accordion in the dance band was once an accountant.
The Consideration on the Reform of the Professional Accordion Education
A Study of Control and Application of Air Box of Accordion While Playing
I've also invite a fellow who plays the accordion and I'm sure you and he
我还邀请了另一个小伙子弹奏手风琴, 我相信你和他
As the years went by, the accordion drifted to the background of my life.
随着岁月的流逝, 那架手风琴在我的生活中也渐渐隐退了。
Miffy said, Yes! I can invite my friend Aggie! she can play the accordion!
The accordion has lost its characteristic, and its art form becomes stiff.
The stent design consists of an accordion body and flexible atrial anchors.
支架的架体采用手风琴设计, 并可根据孔径不同锚定。
In the last 25 years, however, the accordion bellows have expanded again.
But my fancy accordion might as well have been a cardboard box that afternoon.
但是那天下午, 我别致的手风琴好像变成了纸板盒。
Research on Deepsea Uninterrupted Hydraulic Power Supply of Accordion Pipe Mode
Developing Abilities in Teaching the Accordion Among Majors of Children Educaion
Spending 300 for an accordion and 5 per lesson was out of character for my father.
用在波纹管, 过滤袋, 百褶裙等产品的生产。
It is an narrow argument that entertainment is the only artistry of the accordion.
Something,such as the pleated windbag of an accordion,that resembles this apparatus.
Helen Well, theres nothing like a little accordion music to send everyone home early.
海伦要客人早点回家, 最好是播放手风琴音乐。
The sheng is the instrument that inspired the invention of the accordion and harmonica.
The flexible airfilled chamber of a bagpipe, an accordion, or a similar wind instrument.
风箱风笛, 牛风琴或类似的管乐器的内有空气的灵活的腔室
In 2003 Tanjing International Accordion Festival, the french popaccordion come out first.
plicate With accordion pleats when folds of skin are arranged to form a fanshaped structure.
On the moving day, I didnt have the heart to tell him that he could dispose of the accordion.
The proprietor got up on a high stool beside the dancingfloor and began to play the accordion.
If we can solve questions above well, we can basically reach our aim in the accordion teaching.
Curtain of this kind of organ has some of figure that similar accordion pulls open, submit stereo form.
She graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, having majored in accordion performance.She is now busy performing and teaching the accordion.
她毕业于中央音乐学院手风琴演奏专业, 演出教学工作繁忙。

单词 accordion 释义

  • 单词释义:n.手风琴;adj.可折叠的  [更多..]



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