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单词 able 例句大全,用单词able造句:

Will only those that are able to afford it be able to be this super race of the future?
难道只有那些有钱人 才能做将来的超人类吗?
We are now able to play pee a boo, which is something I never thought Id be able to say.
我们现在可以做藏猫猫的游戏了, 这从前我是不敢提的。
I just want to be able to communicate with him and him to be able to communicate with me.
我只想能跟他交流 而且他也能跟我交流。
It was able, but only it was able, to organize health care, education, policing, justice.
它能够但是仅仅能组织起 医疗保健,教育,治安和司法。
She is no more able to read Spanish than I am. Neither she nor I am able to read Spanish.
When I was able to destroy that self utterly, I was able to unite myself with my Beloved.
Will be able to You will be able to skate after you have practiced it two or three times.
All I am interested in is to be able to enjoy good foods and to be able to talk about them.
The recently developed robots have touching, able to see matters, able to make decisions too.
We were able to prove them wrong because we were able to change ourselves, first and foremost.
A man who is able to review past knowledge and acquire new knowledge is qualified to be a teacher.
It has to be able to come off of the centerline and then be able to work back toward that centerline.
Are you still able to picture the beautiful fireflies being able to sparkle under the dark starry night
But Looney did not think that sojourns ancient to abdicate the park field to be able to be very relaxed.
So few people here are truly able to think, able to see beyond the pabulum whipped up by the government.
因此这里没有人能够真正的去思考, 能超越政。府宣传看问题。
The abdominal pain before defecation was main harmful reaction but adding honey it was able to attenuate.
We shall be able to apply the principle of from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Savour opening and enlightening on being able to gain thought , read moulding on being able to gain sentiment.
品味可以获得思想上的启迪, 读可以获取情操上的陶冶。
And the more we're able to be choosy about choosing the better we will be able to practice the art of choosing.
我们对选择越是挑剔 就越能 掌握选择的艺术。
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
Must be able to understand the inspection criteria and be able to identify defective component after inspection.
Know competitors product and strategies to be able to properly position Abbotts solution and differentiate against competitors.
And I would like to do it in such a way that I don't actually have to be able to read the language, because I'm sure I won't be able to.
我会这么做 我并不去阅读它 因为我知道我无法做到
From top to bottom the whole nation must at once abandon any idea of being able to live in submissive peace with the Japanese aggressors.
Maybe I wanted to be so successful and so able to take responsibility that I would do so and I would be able to take care of my attending's patients.
也许我太想 可以独当一面,可以不需要 和我的主治沟通

单词 able 释义

  • 单词释义:能(够);聪明能干的  [更多..]



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