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单词 abbot 例句大全,用单词abbot造句:

The Abbot had no love of such feeding frenzies and lengthened his strides.
议员对这样的疯食十分反感, 加快了步伐。
If the Black Abbot gave you an offer to join his forces, what would you say
如果黑暗修士邀你加入他的阵营, 你怎么回答?
Legend of Wenzhou have an old abbot of a temple, went to Fujian alone learn.
Abbot no option but to dozens of monks summons, so that leaves another point.
Though it is sacrilege, the Abbot ordered the men to retrieve the weapon for study.
Therefore, he not only failed to enlighten the abbot, he irritated him unnecessarily.
Messrs. van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver.
范 库腾和阿伯特以海獭和海狸迥然不同的命运为例。
Added dialogue when returning the book to the Abbot, having not been given the quest yet.
Now I must confess great concern over the direction the Abbot is guiding our Brotherhood.
Isolated from our superiors, the Abbot has undertaken an investigation into our predicament.
They only had one cook, one abbot, and another that took care of the door and all the books.
他们只有一个厨师, 一个院长, 一个看门和书籍的人。
Abbot refused to adhere to the five princes furious instigated bloodbath Qing Shaolin Temple.
Once Buddist apologetics was run between an abbot and him, both of whom were at zazen on pads.
一次与方丈辩经, 两人坐于团垫之上, 相论许久。
My grandmother puts the incense coil in the burner outside the hall at the request of the abbot.
Abbot Ale This is the Sean Connery of the beer world smooth, mature and of exceptional quality.
As the bowls keep coming, the abbot is careful to point out that he normally eats very plain food.
菜不断地被端上来, 方丈矜持地说自己吃饭一般很简单。
The Jingshan abbot chair in Southern Song Dynasty is discovered to be a new kind of circular chair.
It is said that the name of the praise too was taken from the name of their abbot Shri Jana Gunaphala.
Meanwhile, the Monkey King had stayed awake due to his suspicions of the evil intentions of the abbot.
On arrival there, he found that the said abbot was indeed his elder brother whom he had missed so much.
My master was Abbot Xingzheng. I was born to a devout Buddhist family of several generations of believers.
我师父是当时少林寺的住持, 方丈行正老和尚。
He also serves as the abbot of the monasteries in Guanghua in Fujian province and Famen in Shaanxi province.
These were establishments of monks and nuns who lived in separate quarters under the direction of an abbess or abbot.
在中世纪时期, 修道院是知识和教育的中心。
Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, the executive advisor of this event, is the abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.
Built in 1773, the temple once had an abbot to supervise the monks work, such as chanting scriptures at the Buddhist temples in Changchunyuan.

单词 abbot 释义

  • 单词释义:男修道院院长;隐修院院长;大寺院男住持;男修道院院长的职务  [更多..]



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