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单词 ability 例句大全,用单词ability造句:

Four, ability for physiological adjustment most importantly the ability to adjust to the natural world.
The effect of starvation inducement on surviving ability and anthracene degrading ability was observed.
Partial Ability of Responsibility and the Ability Criminal Responsibility of the Person in Partial Charge
The Saier number is reluctant to part technical ability, evolution. Panuo's technical ability, evolution.
赛尔号依依的技能, 进化。帕诺的技能, 进化。
We've been informed of every detail of this matter, and we will investigate it to the best of our ability.
Effect of Starvation Inducement on Surviving Ability and Degrading Ability of Anthracenedegrading Bacteria
There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize.
There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize.
有得东西比才能稀罕得多, 珍贵得多, 这就是识别得能力。
Fix for circumventing the cost of the Bomb Bouncers charge ability and the Illuminate Electroshock ability.
Therefore in competition's antijamming ability and resistance ability, is Sun Yue is urgently needed enhances.
Prerequisites Dex 11, ability to cast disintegrate as a spell or use it as a spelllike or supernatural ability.
College students who want to have genuine ability and learning should abide by the principle of academic honesty.
There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability.It is the ability to recognize ability.
Neurasthenic when the inhibition as a result of cerebrum ability is abate, also can produce premature ejaculation.
Cole combines height, physical presence and aerial ability a surprisingly touchfinishing ability is improving fast.
The aesthetic ability refers to the ability of discovering, feeling, understanding, appreciating and creating beauty.
Academic and scholastic ability is different from the abilities of learning ability and knowledge that the short title.
The spoken language intercommunication ability is one of the important abilities which make up of the professional ability.
Since this ability is instinctive, it is an ability that humans acquired through competition for survival and the process of evolution.
这是本能, 是人类通过生存竞争和进化过程获得的本能。
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth
承受量, 做某事的能力
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth.
Bilge more easily with Yu Chang stomach only full person, should add some of ginger to be boiled together, ability wont be abet bilge gas.
唯用于肠胃较易胀满者, 则应加些生姜同煮, 才不会助长胀气。
That's where the ability to engineer microbes, the ability to engineer tissues, and the ability to engineer robots begin to lead to a reboot.
便是微生物工程 组织工程 机器人工程 所导向的复苏。
The Principle and Method of Fostering Students'Ability to Teach Basic Gymnastics in the P.E. Department Towards Improved Ability to Teach Gymnastics
Theoretical and Experiment Research on the Difference between the Seal Oil Ability and the Seal Gas Ability of Fault Zone in the Static Period of Fault

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