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单词 acrobat 例句大全,用单词acrobat造句:

As the acrobat swung round and round, the audience caught their breath.
The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.
杂技演员走钢丝时, 观从们都屏住了呼吸。
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The audience held itstheir breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.
杂技演员在钢丝绳上表演时, 观众们屏息观看。
The acrobat deliberately faulted the performance once to make it look difficult.
表演者故意把表演做错一次, 以显得表演很难。
An acrobat can dance on a rope or wire, swing on trapezes, turn handsprings, etc.
Using a steel fork as an instrument, the acrobat had a wonderful performance on the stage.
An acrobat is the only person who do what everyone else will like to do pat himself on the back.
杂技演员, 是唯一会做出谁都想做的事拍拍自己的背的人。
Your favorite acrobat performers and dancers will be filtered through the crowd with festive spirit.
Please download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader Traditional Chinese if forms cannot be read.
如您未能使用申请表, 请索取最新中文阅读程式。
A Retrospection of Performance of Acrobat Individual and Development Strategy for Trampoline Tumbling in China.

单词 acrobat 释义

  • 单词释义:杂技演员;立场观点善变的人,主张、政见等变化无常的人  [更多..]



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