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单词 abort 例句大全,用单词abort造句:

Otherwise you should abort the client and release all references to it.
Specifies that the common language runtime perform a rude thread abort.
Cummer was pregnant. The word of first time abort, can friendly sequela?
The server sends a trickledown message telling the application to abort.
Background rebuildcheck has been successfully terminated by abort command.
Be pregnant 4 months can abort What to hit pair of bodies to have to harm.
If you want to abort the connection, the delegate must throw an exception.
如果您希望中止连接, 则该委托必须引发异常。
Specify whether the database option for arithmetic abort is enabled or not.
A woman doesnt even have to be trying to abort to find herself under arrest.
一个妇女即使没有设法堕胎, 也可能会遭到逮捕。
He sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area.
How is computation pregnant excuse me time How to if abort, do not think or do
Because I'd already done this twice last night and both times I'd had to abort.
Frequently the basal ovule, which is the last one to be fertilized would abort.
Objects created during commit or abort phase of synchronous event are readonly.
This allows you to commit or abort the distributed transaction at a later time.
这样, 您就可以在随后提交或中止分布式事务。
You have not selected any components to install. Would you like to ABORT setup.
If you get this message, And please, please get this message. you need to abort.
如果你听到留言 一定要听留言啊,计划终止。
Clinical Application of A Combination Of Propofol And Fentanyl In Induced Abort ion
Or should pregnant women be able to abort their children before they are even born.
If the record is dirty , then you abort the transaction and the user can restart it.
如果记录是脏的, 这时你中止事务, 用户会重新启动它。
Coconut fibre mat have the firm soil, keep wet, scatter abort the water current, function.
Her motherinlaw advised her to abort the child and fix her own health before trying to conceive again.
她的婆婆让她先打掉孩子, 治好病再怀孕。
In the samples, request abort the assorted pattern, specification and package can be indicated particularly.
如果需要不同的花色, 规格, 包装, 可以特别说明。
Parents could also begin to screen fetuses while still in the womb and then decide whether or not to abort a pregnancy.
父母也能在胎儿尚在子宫时就进行筛选, 以决定是否要打胎。
Be pregnant a many month does not want the child, how is abort good? Does medicaments still go to a hospital stream of people?
怀孕一个多月不想要孩子, 怎么打胎好?药物还是去医院人流?

单词 abort 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)流产;中止(计划等)  [更多..]



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