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单词 abolishment 例句大全,用单词abolishment造句:

On the Tradition Thought of Pities Punishment and the Breakthrough of Contemporary Death Penalty Abolishment in China
Since the abolishment of agricultural duty, farmers no longer need to pay for money and rice, and their burden has reduced a lot.
to examine and verity the establishment, renaming, abolishment and adjustment of colleges and universities with relevant government departments
会同有关方面审核高等学校设置, 撤销, 更名, 调整等事项
A Study of the Proper Sharing of the Expenditure on Rural Compulsory Education Among Governments at Various Levels After the Abolishment of Agricultural Taxes

单词 abolishment 释义

  • 单词释义:n.废止,革除,取消  [更多..]



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