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单词 the end 例句大全,用单词the end造句:

To the accredit of other semiconductor manufacturer we can spread out in the end of the year.
At the end of the day they would decide which accounts to award the winning and losing trades.
交易日结束后, 他们决定谁的账户赢钱, 谁的账户亏钱。
Yeast strains had the important effect on the acetaldehyde content at the end of fermentation.
Coordinators to work together in order to achieve some concrete results by the end of the week.
The end affirms consistently, being like most the abundant within sight and aureate paddy field!
In the end who is the aggressor, in the end who the colonists, who in the end is brutal gangster.
I looked lackadaisical her mother heartache in the end, she took leave of absence to the leadership.
In the happy at the end of the train, my spirit is much more abundant harvest than the harvested material.
在快乐的末班车上, 我的精神收获比物质收获丰厚得多。
At the end of the month you may be surprised by your achievements brought about by extraordinary pressure.
The first goal we set was to quadruple the GNP and achieve comparative prosperity by the end of the century.
第一步, 到本世纪末翻两番, 达到小康水平。
To cooperate the Financial Majordomo to check Accounts receivable and Advance Payment at the end of the month.
月末协助财务总监做好应收, 预收款项得核对工作。
To cooperate the Financial Majordomo to check accounts receivable and advance payment at the end of the month.
In the end, combined the tectonic history of typical structure, established the hydrocarbon accumulation mode.
Because he forgot to enter an expense in an account, he had some problem with the accounts at the end of the year.
The cost of depreciATion and expired insurance may be recorded as adjustments AT the end of the accounting period.
Confirm carrier gas flow through the column. Immerse the end of the column in a vial of acetone and check bubbles.
English learning strategy has been paid attention to by the academic society as early as in the end of last century.
The selection and acquisition of material from the very beginning to the end of a production process is very strict.
Note that the income summary account is used only at the end of the accounting period when the accounts are being closed.
Jenny was so tired after weeks of negotiation that she reached the end of her tether and decided accept the other side's offer.
On Development of Mainstream Opinion upon Political Integrity and Ability from the Time of the End of Han Dynasty to Wei Dynasty
At the end of the year, the suspense accounts are cleared out, along with the contributions receivable that have been collected.
在年底前, 将把暂记账户同已收到的应收捐款一道清理。
At the end were acrobatics and dancers who performed swallowing knives, spitting fire, climbing the flag polls, walking on tight ropes.
后随百戏舞队, 吞刀吐火, 缘幢走索
It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century.
Looking at the busy workers on the assembly lines, the general manager felt it was absolutely possible to accomplish the production plan by the end of the year.
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