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单词 unceasingly 例句大全,用单词unceasingly造句:

Of the man bold, piece carry, halfback more shriek letting a person and excited unceasingly.
the technology development has causes the glass craft manufacture unceasingly to consummate.
This requests us to appreciate repeatedly to the collection wrong topic, pondered unceasingly.
Last to gastralgia unceasingly person, answer to eat fluidity or pappy food inside proper time.
Tell myself, concept or behavior needing to be able to accommodate otherss diversity unceasingly.
We unceasingly study and enterprising, stop nonfeasance sternly, like to struggle and dare to win.
我们不断学习进取, 坚决杜绝不作为, 爱拼敢赢。
They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, to curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways.
Therefore, we need to consummate construction of administrative accountability subjects unceasingly.
I unceasingly asked myself, why did I continuously persist in such photographs for these ten years ?
我在不断地问自己, 为什么十年以来一直坚持这样的拍摄?
Probe into and pioneer unceasingly the effective way of the united front work of the new social stratum
The enterprise economic effect increases by degrees year by year, brand notability improves unceasingly.
Under the Buddhism thought influence, the poets tracked down the congenial self and the life unceasingly.
Although present policy advantage good unceasingly, but can create the trifle wave band opportunity merely.
He believed that the investment in real estates is decelerating unceasingly should arouse the interest especially.
Strives for perfection earnestly according to the abundant product, develops unceasingly, is unceasingly enterprising.
依恳丰产品精益求精, 不断开拓, 不断进取。
Follows the foreign trade growth, the our countryforeign trade is depending on for existence also unceasingly toenhance.
伴随着外贸的增长, 我国的对外贸易依存度也不断提高。
Unceasingly expands in continuously recruit students in several years, quality of the vocal music teaching do not have obvious progress.

单词 unceasingly 释义

  • 单词释义:继续地,不断地;不已  [更多..]



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