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单词 superb 例句大全,用单词superb造句:

You find a superb little get away with a secluded beach and hiking trails.
His leadership and sense of strategy made him a superb commander in chief.
Soft choux with a superb chantilly cream, all covered with chocolate cream.
A superb Indonesian arabica with a smooth, dense flavor, almost syrupy body.
Her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art.
US universities are superb, attracting the best brains from around the world.
His defense during the final match was superb, allowing him to eke out a draw.
Gates is known to be a superb analyst with a sharp eye and an excellent memory.
Apparently, superb pianist Ervin believed he had to cope with his pressures alone.
显然, 卓越的钢琴家尔文相信他必须独自处理他的压力。
Get unlimited fun and entertainment with superb graphics and amazing sound quality.
And when he is confirmed by the Senate, he will be a superb addition to my cabinet.
When the blank on wall are all taken, a superb experienced and colorful life appears.
当墙上的卡片被贴满的时候, 他的人生就变的丰富多彩了。
The superb external condition of the engine is clearly apparent from the illustration.
In the first place, Hoover was as inept at politics as he was superb at administration.
The dishes of this large restaurant emBodies superB coloring and artistic presentation.
It was excellent. I really enjoyed it. It was a thrilling plot and the acting was superb.
It hangs on dark brown waxed cotton cord and speaks volumes of superb taste and elegance.
The weather had been superb and the sun was setting in a brilliant twilight of blue and gold.
天气简直好极了, 太阳放射出闪亮的蓝色, 金色曙光。
This concept of icons, not for the ancient art by the great masters of superb artistry tracks.
The superb structural art and thought content of The Art of War bring out the best in each other.
Superb but not extravagant, simple but not stuffy, exquisite but not decadent, splendent but not arrogant.
华而不奢, 简而不乏, 精而不靡, 大气而不张狂。
Grandpa is a skilled bamboo craftsman, and the mats of thin bamboo strips he weaves are of superb quality.
爷爷是个老篾工, 他编的席子可好了!
Jia yu anticorrosion materials have passed many authoritative verifications with superb quality and creditability.
With superb skills and respectable artistic morals, the master, Meilanfang, sets a good example for his inferiors in the field of opera.
Our sense of relieved achievement and appreciation of the superb river gorge scenery combined to create a euphoric atmosphere within our little group of adventurers.

单词 superb 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.庄重的,堂堂的,华丽的,极好的  [更多..]



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