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单词 consult for 例句大全,用单词consult for造句:

Aw, you paged me for a consult?
Already called Altman for a consult.
For additional approvals consult factory.
如果需要更多的认证, 请咨询工厂。
Actually, she sent me to find you for a consult.
Consult local authorized for acceptable exposure limits.
谘询地方当局得专家, 可接受得曝露范围。
NeitIT I will consult him nor he will ask me for advice.
我不想与他商量, 他也不会征求我的意见。
Counsel ask for more time to consult with his colleagues.
Consult factory for additional sizes and pressure classes.
对于其它的通径和压力等级, 请咨询工厂。
For more information on juvenile law, consult an attorney.
要想知道更多有关未成年人法的信息, 请向律师咨询。
Consult the chart on page 42 for the correct cooking times.
Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times.
Can consult our customer attendants and ask for this standard.
We should consult a chart of the area to find a good place for sailing.
Please consult your financial advisor for all your investment decisions.
When these conditions are anticipated, consult Crane for recommendations.
如果预计会发生这种情况, 请咨询美国克雷恩公司。
Of course, you can always consult your pediatrician for advice in this area.
Consult with factory availability for other bronze valves to be oxygen cleaned.
如果需要其他经过氧气清洗的青铜阀门, 请咨询制造商。
For bolting information, consult the Crane Installation and Maintenance Manual.
关于螺栓资料, 请参阅美国克雷恩安装和维护手册。
When it comes to cross breeding for better strains, Li is the comrade you should consult.
It's important for translators to consult dictionary industriously and perfectly as well.
For more information, please consult scheduled call advance or to understand the book store.
欲知信息详情, 请提前来电咨询预定或到店了解预定。
In case of difficulties in booking, consult with forwarder, and look for other logistic company.
如遇订舱困难与货代协商, 寻找其他船公司订舱。
Welcome businessmen to consult and sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperation.
欢迎广大商家来人, 来电咨询, 真诚期待与您的合作。
If bleach gets into the eyes, immediately rinse with water for at least 15 minutes and consult a doctor.
Consult sufficient ministry orthopaedic implement adorn full criterion for evaluation has around tip effect grading.
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单词 consult for 释义

  • 单词释义:在机构[团体]里当顾问  [更多..]



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