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单词 careful for 例句大全,用单词careful for造句:

Careful cleaning was responsible for the enhanced value of the painting.
Even the shampoo will be careful, for fear that the brain into the water.
连洗头都要很小心, 生怕脑子进了水。
For instance, issue the reminder that a careful trip increases when stair.
So, for the goods or flexibility to its taxation elements must be careful.
因此, 对于弹性大的商品或要素, 对其征税要慎重。
The doctor will prescribe some medicine for you after careful examination.
Tom, put the picture on the wall. Be careful not to put it up end for end.
We have to be careful about injuries but we have to prepare for that game.
to ruin every relationship I've ever had, so be careful what you wish for.
抛弃一切友情爱恋 所以 一定要慎重
You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy.
They made up for their inexperience by careful preparation for each lesson.
The bad luck will show up this month, so careful for the fight with others.
It is important, I think, for everyone to be careful about claiming victory.
Alphabetically easytosea allergy products for people to be careful to eat yo.
Stylistically, you should be careful not to create aliases for existing types.
Only careful experimentation can give you the best values for those parameters.
Be very careful this week because the Full Moon is accident prone for your sign.
The great number of automobile accidents emphasizes the need for careful driving.
This situation does call for careful surveillance and preparations for the worst.
这种情况需要自信监测, 为最坏得情况做好准备。
Be careful of your language in the presence of others,or you will be sorry for it.
Be careful when someone offers you something for nothing, such as gifts and money.
Oh, oh! Now this is something that could go both ways! Be careful what you wish for!
Only a careful physical search for a source of arsenic can provide this information.
We made careful preparations for climbing the mountain, so as to be sure of success.
For more than a century, the society collected savings to lend to careful homebuyers.
一百多年来, 该协会吸纳储蓄, 再借给小心谨慎的购房者。
It should be careful that it doesnt also become a metaphor for trying to do too much.
它应当注意, 不要同时成为贪多务得的象征。
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