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单词 careful about 例句大全,用单词careful about造句:

And that I have to be careful about my tendency to put my needs over the needs of others.
They always record the conversations, So be careful about threatening the man you framed.
这些谈话会录下来 所以威胁你陷害过的人时,得小心点。
Also be careful about assuming that you can do largescale team building in one fell swoop.
In addition, it proceeds careful investigation about the blend craft about flax short fiber.
When dealing with teenager issues, parents need to be careful not make much ado about nothing.
在处理青少年问题时, 父母亲要小心不要无事自扰。
These ones here. The one on the left is very spicy, so we must be careful about how much we add.
I was careful, though, very careful about the way in which I approached issues of the imagination.
According to Gosling,the professional snoop must be careful about jumping to any quick conclusions.
Careful physical examination of the heart provides important information about the cardiovascular system.
I am very, very careful to avoid anything that might give me some preconceived notions about the candidate.
During the chill of winter, old people with angiocardiopathy should be careful about changes in the temperature in order to prevent disease from reoccurring.
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单词 careful about 释义

  • 单词释义:讲究,小心,当心  [更多..]



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