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单词 car keys 例句大全,用单词car keys造句:

The owner of the stolen car was himself remiss. He left the keys the vehicle.
被盗汽车得主人自己也有责任, 他把车钥匙丢在车上了。
The owner of the stolen car was himself remiss. He left the keys the vehicle.
Today, I dropped my keys in the sewer. The spare ones are inside my locked car.
今天, 我的钥匙掉到了下水道里, 而备用钥匙在锁好的车上。
My mother was such a hoon that my dad hid the car keys and would not let her drive.
我妈妈开车很玩命, 我爸爸把车钥匙藏了起来, 不让她开。
Hazel takes the car keys from a hook behind the kitchen door, and goes to the garage.
And I'm not talking about losing diversity in the same way that you lose your car keys.
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