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单词 spring roll 例句大全,用单词spring roll造句:

Spring rolled round again.
Please give ue five spring rolls as appetizer.
Spring rolls are an appetizer, eaten either fresh or fried.
We want to give you a spring roll to express our appologize.
我们打算送你一个春卷, 以表示我们的歉意。
Spring rolled around far too quickly.
Spring rolled around again.
A Spring Roll as Big as a Small Pillow
Also goes well with Asian starters as spring rolls or deep fried dumplings.
也非常适合于与亚洲食品 如春卷或油煎馄饨等一起享用。
Separate the net spring roll wrappers carefully and then set aside.
丝网春卷皮用手小心分开每一片, 待用。
And spring rolls symbolize wealth because their shape is similar to gold bars.
春卷象征着财富, 因为它们的形状和金条相似。
Epicure delicacies Spring roll, crab balls, scallops and batter fried baby shrimp
特色旋景春卷, 蟹球, 鲜带子及炸虾仔
Fried spring rolls with green bean sprouts and shredded pork
Spring Rolls Stuffed with Shrimps and roast beef are very tasty, being the house cuisine.
How about some spring rolls and squid balls, some pork skins, and some beer!
Beijing duck salad with a Crispy spring roll and Chinese dressing
Cable reel set up institutions that can be reversed to avoid the broken spring roll reversal.
This guy should consider a career in spring roll.
Mum, I want spring rolls.
妈咪, 我要吃春卷。
Believe you me, this is the best spring roll I've ever eaten.
相信我的话, 这是我吃的最好的春卷。
Serve the spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce and mixed salad leaves.
Well, I always order fried spring rolls when I go to Chinatown.
嗯, 我每次去唐人街时都是点炸春卷。
Well, I'll try fish and chips, two spring rolls please. And you?
我想尝尝炸鱼和薯条, 再来两个春卷, 你呢?
I'll have two spring rolls and a portion of congee.
The Application of Fuzzy Control Technology in Leaf Spring Rolling Ears Control System
In the evenings, I'd start every meal with spring rolls wrapped in pieces of lettuce and cucumber and dipped in tangy ginger sauce.
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单词 spring roll 释义

  • 单词释义:(中国的)春卷  [更多..]



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