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单词 rein 例句大全,用单词rein造句:

Lodge a protest demanding that they rein in on the brink of the precipice and stop all provocations
A short rein that extends from a horses bit to the saddle to keep the horse from lowering its head.
The carriage stopped as soon as the driver could rein in his horses, and a voice called to me by my name.
Folk Craftwork, Sculpture Works and Paintings of the Dangxiang People in the Rein of the Western Xia Dynasty
The Supreme Court has generally held that Congress has free rein in determining where that public interest lies.
最高法院一般认为, 国会可以自由决定公共利益的范围。
It needs to rein in its defence spending, which is currently equivalent to that of the next 18 countries combined.
On the Unprecedented Development of Chinese and Japanese Diplomatic Relationship During the Rein of Sui Yang Emperor
He is shined to come down right, right leg chooses the ground, left foot is however on stirrup, double closefisted holds rein.
他向右被闪下来, 右脚点地, 左脚却在马镫上, 双手紧抓住缰绳。
Fantasy is applied principally to the product of imagination given free rein and especially to elaborate or extravagant fancy.
The construction of the palaces in the ForBidden City started in 1406, i.e. in the 4th year under the rein of Yong Le in the Ming Dynasty.
故宫始建于1406 年,即明朝永乐四年。
I loved to give rein to my imagination and picture to myself a tribe of giants living behind that wood, a people tall and thin with white beards and sharp noses, like my grandfather.

单词 rein 释义

  • 单词释义:驾驭(法);统治手段;控制(权);缰绳  [更多..]



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