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单词 pancake 例句大全,用单词pancake造句:

The surprise party turned out as flat as a pancake, ie was very disappointing.
I like going climbing. That's why I dislike areas that are as flat as a pancake.
Return to oven and bake until the pancake is puffed and golden, about 15 minutes.
烘烤至薄饼疏松表面呈金黄色, 约15分钟。
Many days all have not eaten meal, looked everybody looks like the wheat pancake.
好些天都没吃饭了, 看谁都像烙饼。
I feel I elephant a thin pancake drive a hideous mess of crumple indiscriminately.
Please the Beijing duck the pancake with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce.
A pile of oat flour. three immature sugar syrup pancake. and half douce of dry plum.
The thin and crisp pancake with Italian flavour is crisp, fragrant and pleasant to taste.
Please wrap the peking Duck in the pancake with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce.
But I'm getting better, and I follow what I like to call the three Pancake Girl principles.
但我越来越厉害,我遵循 鬆饼女孩三原则。
There are the fried pancake, the fried noodle, the fired Chinese rice noodle and fried rice.
我们有油葱饼, 炒面, 炒粉和炒米饭。
A batfish as flat as a pancake was dredged up from the oilslick waters in the Gulf of Mexico.
Put the pancake mix into the large bowl. Dig a hole in the pancake mix with the mixing spoon.
Pajeon, is a delicate savoury pancake comprising of fresh seafood in batter over of spring onions.
传统的煎饼用料有海鲜以及葱, 味道不错吃。
Offers raw fish slice, BBQ, grilled beef on heated stone, glutinous rice cake, green bean pancake.
以生鱼片, 烤肉, 石板烤牛肉, 打米糕及绿豆饼闻名之。
Flip the strawberry yogurt pancake with a spatula, and cook the other side just until its browned.
Yunbo and I want to eat breakfast at that pancake restaurant down the street. Would you like to come?
Rumei Yunbo and I want to eat breakfast at that pancake restaurant down the street. Would you like to come
The size of a pancake is given by the pancakes diameter. All pancakes in a stack have different diameters.
Layer the apple slices on the bottom of each pan. Gently pour the pancake batter evenly between the two pans.
把切好的苹果排放到两个烤盘上, 把面糊分摊到两个烤盘上。
Next, place the scallion in the center of the pancake, and with your chopsticks add a few pieces of duck skin.
然后, 把葱段放在薄饼中央, 用筷子夹几片鸭皮放在上面。
tortilla a thin Mexican pancake made with eggs and corn flour, usually eaten hot and filled with meat, cheese, etc.
The bird is wrapped in a thin pancake with scallions and sweet dark sauce and washes down nicely with red wine or beer.
Butter has now been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States.
在美国西南部幸福饼屋餐馆里, 黄油已被麦淇淋所取代。
Pancake n. A onehanded defensive technique in which the player flattens his hand against the floor in order to save the ball.

单词 pancake 释义

  • 单词释义:烙饼,薄煎饼;粉饼;[航]平降,平坠  [更多..]



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