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单词 scarlet 例句大全,用单词scarlet造句:

Scarlet fever is an infection caused by a bacteria, Group A streptococcus.
An ape an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
A disease, such as measles or scarlet fever, accompanied by a skin eruption.
疹病伴有皮疹的一种疾病, 如麻疹, 猩红热
Australian shrub having simple obovate leaves and brilliant scarlet flowers.
An ape's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
It was a plum tree all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset.
An ape is an ape, a varlet is a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
The sky turns to scarlet and the lightning the sword of archangel the clouds too.
Blood gushed over the grass, scarlet from the neck arteries, black from the head.
large trogon of Central and South America having goldengreen and scarlet plumage.
中美和南美的大咬鹃, 羽毛为金绿色和深红色。
English An apes an ape, a varlets a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
中文尽管衣绸穿红, 猿猴仍是猿猴, 侍从仍是侍从。
Nettle rash and hives are caused by virus, scarlet fever is caused by the bacterium.
风疹和麻疹是由病毒引起的, 猩红热是由细菌引起的。
herb with scarlet or white or purple blossoms that close at approach of rainy weather
Beth put out a hand to keep her away.'You've had scarlet fever, haven't you? she said.
白丝伸出一支手, 让她离远点。你得过猩红热, 是不是?她说。
Viewing the Scarlet Bird of the Han Dynasty for the Unearthed Cultual Relics in Luoyang
It was a plum tree filled with scarlet blossoms standing in front of a beautiful sunset.
一棵开满了红色花朵的李树, 亭亭玉立于灿烂的晚霞中。
The Scarlet Capsule was a parody of the popular1959 TV series The Quatermass Experiment.
And now in the scarlet ray feel the vibration healing all matters of past abuse and misuse.
The new passenger liner to be launched was decked out with scarlet silk flowers and bunting.
Objective To analyze the association between meteorological factors and incidence of scarlet fever.
Mr. Wang's face turned scarlet, and the guests all stared uncomfortably at their bowls and chopsticks.
汪先生的脸开始发红, 客人都局促地注视各自的碗筷。
Some trees of the tender kind had been nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of orange, purple, and scarlet.
有些娇嫩的树已经被霜染成橙黄, 紫色, 与赤红。
By the time she was12 years old, Wilma had also survived scarlet fever, whooping cough, chicken pox, and measles.
And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer.
antibiotics are used to fight such diseases as pneumonia, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis. Penicillin is the most widely used antibiotic. Others include streptomycin, chloromycetin, and aureomycin.

单词 scarlet 释义

  • 单词释义:深红的;鲜红色的;罪孽深重的;淫荡的  [更多..]



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