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单词 scary 例句大全,用单词scary造句:

Instant the entire villages of500 people were buried alive. Very scary!
After all, the prospect of the dollar becoming worthless is pretty scary.
毕竟, 美元变得一文不值得确是一件非常可怕得事情。
When deepfried chestnut a bit scary, but do not fear, is the scare Hello.
板栗炸的时候有点吓人, 不过别害怕, 是有惊无险的啰。
He is absolutely rock solid and it's scary to watch him stand next to Pau.
It was one of those scary situations that really gets the adrenalin going.
Describing movies Vocabulary Scary Gory Disgusting Shocking Violent Bloody
He turned around. In the dark, he saw two scary black figures chasing him.
The notion of presenting it to this particular audience was downright scary.
Third, aliens are scary because we don't know if they are our friends or not.
Of course there's health consequences to this, scary ones, besides the waist.
A visionary, vision is scary, could start a revolution, pollutin the airwaves.
I worried that the roller coaster would be too scary for her, but she insisted.
It seems that people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.
If you go to Africa, you will probably meet lions or other scary animals on your way.
After a long and scary night, Jackie released from the hospital and sent back to camp.
熬过了这个漫长而恐怖的长夜后, 杰姬被送回到了营地。
and I tried to find the brightest star, but all I could see was a scary bolt of lightning.
And you can construct some extremely scary scenarios for yourself without too much trouble.
Daren Yes! That was scary! If you had not completely missed the ball, it wouldnt have hit her.
which shows, it's kind of scary to think how well cigarettes are designed by the manufacturers.
这让人想想有点害怕的是 香烟由厂家设计得多么好。
To frighten away evil spirits, both adults and children wore scary costumes as witches and ghosts.
离开惊吓邪恶的精神, 成人和孩子穿著了容易受惊的装束。
One old lady after the black hundred meters after the game, with tears in her eyes and said scary!
后一个老夫人的黑百米的比赛后, 含着眼泪和说可怕!
The creatures themselves are veiny, scary, and bordering on the grotesque, with Satan worthy roars.
Integration is just a summation over a continuous section of a curve, so that wont stay scary for very long, either.
积分是一段连续曲线的相加, 所以那不会让你郁闷太久。
Mama Africa (532-9339) also serves up tasty eats in Zulu-influenced surroundings: baskets, masks and scary prints deliver the vibes.
It will no doubt be a revolution, but there are some scary Brave New World overtones that raise fundamental questions about how we will think about ourselves.

单词 scary 释义

  • 单词释义:使人惊慌的;胆小的,容易受惊的;可怕的,吓人的  [更多..]



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