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单词 scarcity 例句大全,用单词scarcity造句:

Not surprisingly, the response has been a steep drop in food production and widening food scarcity.
The aim of man was to remove the scarcity and make it possible for a greater number of persons to survive.
人类的目标在于消除稀缺性, 从而让更多的人得以生存。
The coal scarcity and renewability will not be doomed the coal supply and demand existence tight tendency.
Effect of microelement scarcity on cement production process with calcium carbide slag as one of raw materials
Resource Scarcity, Institutional Adaptation, and Technical Innovation Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth
资源稀缺性, 结构调整, 技术革新穷国能获得内在增长吗
In the conventional world of supply and demand where we all grew up, value came from scarcity. As in, diamonds, gold and oil.
The Electromotor Scarcity Appearance and Appearance Order Stakeout and Control in Assistant Applicatoin System of Hydropower Station

单词 scarcity 释义

  • 单词释义:不足,缺乏;稀少;萧条  [更多..]



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